San Diego city leaders decided it was okay to raise your water rates…. Great another extra cost on top of all the other extra cost… notice the gas prices are slowly creeping up??? What makes the water rate increase hard to swallow its is based in part on the fact that residents are using less water, thanks to the city’s efforts to reduce water usage. Now that the water utility is making less money because they are selling less water they have to raise the rates to make up the difference…. Man you just can’t win with these guys. 

   While the City of National City is going broke the city council and mayor decided it was time to give give themselves a raise… it must be nice to be raise your salary whenever… whatever happened to leading by example???? 

   Qué Pasó con new council person Mona Rios appointing her dad to the planning commission… didn’t something up there in the brain say this is not a good idea…. Rios’ mom already is on the school board and now her dad on the planning commission… guess nepotism never came up…. 

   How about those Aztecs, the basketball team is really packing them in. It used to be el jefe could go to the game, find plenty of parking and stroll right in. Just the other day we discovered there was a parking structure in the back. In previous ten years never had to park back there… 

   Pet peeve for este indo: After Gov Brown gave his state of the state speech a Republican stated, that he was elected to make decisions for the voters… there was no need for a vote….  This in response to the Gov wanting to put the extended tax on the ballot… Sometimes these politicians drink too much tequila making them feel fuerte… Me thinks politicians are elected to represent the voters, hence the term representative… if politicians were actually elected to make decisions then we should start looking for qualified candidates who actually know what they are doing…. 

   To become an elected official all you have to do is be 18, a citizen, live in the district, and get one more vote than the next guy… Other then that there is no other job qualification… when politicians do make decisions this is of course why we have such things as energy deregulation which allowed Enron to rip off the State for billions…. That was a fine example of politicians making a decision… 

   The US Census counts are coming out and Hispanics are becoming the majority in places such as Montgomery County, Maryland. In Virginia, the Hispanic population has doubled, every day the count comes out and every day it shows an increase in the number of Hispanics, especially in the 18 year old and under… the future of this country. 

   Don’t look now but local elections are starting up already… Lori Saldana is gearing up to run for Senate in 2012, Pearl Quinones is planning her next race … and we have even seen Mary Salas out and about… could she be thinking about running again??? Quien Sabe…. Haven’t heard of no hombres thinking of running, qué pasó muchachos….
