Congressional Hispanic Caucus Elects Leadership for the 112th Congress

Washington D.C. — The Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) announced the unanimous election of its leadership for the 112th Congress.  In elections held today, the CHC elected Congressman Charles A. Gonzalez (TX-20) as Chair, Congressman Rubén Hinojosa (TX-15) as 1st Vice Chair, Congressman Ben Ray Lujan (NM-03) as 2nd Vice Chair, and Congressman Dennis Cardoza (CA-18) as Whip.

    “I am proud of what the CHC accomplished these past two years,” said Congresswoman Nydia M. Velázquez, current Chair of the CHC.  “Through investments in education, targeted assistance to small businesses and passage of the Recovery Act, we have fostered job growth while creating greater economic opportunity for Latinos.  The historic healthcare legislation expanded access to quality care, extending coverage to 8.8 million Latinos.  Equally important, last year, we passed a critical milestone with the appointment of the first Latina justice to the Supreme Court. The CHC leadership team elected today will build on these successes, further advancing an agenda that benefits the entire Hispanic community.”

    “I’m honored to have the support of my colleagues to lead the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in the 112th Congress,” said Congressman Charles A. Gonzalez, the Chair-elect of the CHC. “Hispanics continue to be the fastest growing minority group in the U.S and the CHC is faced with unique challenges and opportunities to work together to find a common ground for real solutions. As we rebuild our economy, create the much needed jobs, and build a world-class education system for our children, the CHC will continue to represent the Latino communities in order to create a strong and inclusive nation that values hard work and dedication to family. Every American strives for freedom and a chance to build a better life, and we are dedicated to ensuring the same opportunities are available to our Latino communities.”

    “I am honored to have been elected 1st Vice Chair to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. I, along with my colleagues in the CHC, will continue to work on the issues that affect our Latino community in the 112th Congress,” said Congressman Rubén Hinojosa, 1st Vice Chair-elect. “Together, CHC members will follow our new Chair, Congressman Charles A. Gonzalez, in our commitment to finding solutions to the problems facing our Hispanic communities. I look forward to serving in my capacity as the 1st Vice Chair of the CHC and as a U.S. Congressman. We will all work vigorously to address the challenges that face Latino families today.”

    “I am honored to be elected as the 2nd Vice Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus during the 112th Congress,” said Congressman Ben Ray Lujan, 2nd Vice Chair-elect.  “Our nation is facing a number of challenges. I am humbled my colleagues have entrusted me with this position. I look forward to working on issues of importance to the Hispanic community including empowering students through educational opportunities, strengthening small businesses and our middle class, and looking out for our seniors and veterans.”

    “I am honored to serve as the Whip for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus,” said Congressman Dennis Cardoza, the Whip-elect. “I look forward to working with my colleagues to address the most pressing issues facing the Hispanic community. Additionally, I look forward to this unique platform from which I can advocate the moderate values, and the unique challenges and needs, of those I represent in the agriculturally rich San Joaquin Valley of California.”
