Southwestern College Announces $24,000 in New Funding For Small Business Development Program Funds Will Help Small Business Owners

    Southwestern College today announced $24,000 in new funding for its San Diego Contracting Opportunities Center (SDCOC). The funding will allow the SDCOC to help small businesses better market their products and services to federal, state and local government agencies by offering free training and workshops.

    “By supporting our local economy and entrepreneurs, we are creating jobs for residents, including Southwestern College students and alumni,” Raj K. Chopra, Superintendent/President of Southwestern College, said. “If we want our community to thrive, we need to help our local businesses grow.”

    Along with free seminars on Government Marketing Strategies, Intro to Government Contracting and Responding to Requests for Proposals, the Center also assists clients in generating contract bids by using an internet-based electronic bid-match system which searches more than 1,900 federal, state and local buying agencies. Since 1995, the center has helped San Diego’s local businesses obtain more than $500 million in government contract awards and create or retain more than 10,000 local jobs.

    “With the success of receiving our new grant funds, The SDCOC will be able to help small businesses of all of all kinds, including Manufacturers, Construction, Service Providers and Suppliers,” Gunnar Schalin, Director of the San Diego Contracting Opportunities Center, said. “Approximately 80 percent of the contracts we helped secure were reported by woman-owned, minority-owned, or disabled veteran-owned small businesses, showing the program’s impact on San Diego’s diverse community.” 

    Located in Mission Valley, The SDCOC is sponsored by Southwestern College and is one of more than 90 Centers throughout the United States.
