Post Election Tid Bits:

   National City has a First: First time a mother Rosie Alvarado, school board, and daughter Mona Rios, city council, are elected at the same time. Mona earned her election the hard way, through hard work.

   While Mona was working hard Alejandra Sotelo-Solis was busy trying to find shortcuts and using gimmicks to victory. Politics 101 they teach you that you can’t use public schools to campaign…. she never did call La Prensa, another political lesson 101 all politics is local…

   Looks like the Bensoussan name doesn’t hold much water…. in a water board race. David Bensoussan got only 438 votes. This doesn’t bode well for his city council mother Pamela Bensoussan who is eyeing a run at mayor…. didn’t do much for Jose Preciado’s credibility either who was the brains behind David’s run.

   Teachers won out at Southwestern College with Norma Hernandez winning over Yolanda Salcido, yet on the other hand Terri Valladolid, who shared the same sins as Salcido, won… go figure. But the real surprise was Jorge Dominguez the incumbent and who shared the same sins came in dead last in a four person race… didn’t see that coming.

   In District 8 the good guy won, David Alvarez. His opponent was condescending and ill prepared to be a political leader. This was just a case of the Hueso’s trying to build a dynasty.

   Taking two steps backwards is the City of Escondido electing a right wing mayor, Sam Abad, and two right wing city council persons. Look for more ICE agents, traffic stops, and anti-Hispanic rhetoric coming out of this city council….

   Guess we shouldn’t be surprised… but how does Bill Horn continue to get re-elected???? This guy is bad news but the voters in North County would rather have this guy, warts and all, then vote for a Democrat…. too bad you want him… you got him.

   Francine Busby you can put a fork into her she is done. Three times she has tried and three times she has failed to defeat Bilbray…

   Poor Meg Whitman… $140 million give or take a few million, now that is commitment.

            Heeee’s back, Juan Vargas is once again in Sacramento and already the rumors are flying that he is looking to run against Filner one more time…. Some believe that Filner is ready to move on and run for mayor…. But there are questions about his personal life that could put a crimp in his future political plans… we shall see…
