Cascada De Flores Performs Music of Mexico and Cuba at Oceanside Library

   The Oceanside Public Library and the Friends of the Oceanside Public Library are proud to present the music of Mexico and Cuba performed by Cascada de Flores.  This concert will be held on Friday, October 29, 2010, in the Civic Center Library Community Rooms located at 330 N. Coast Highway.  Performance time will be 7:30 p.m.  Free parking is available in the Civic Center parking garage.

   Featuring hypnotic and heart-felt vocals, Cascada de Flores (“waterfall of flowers”) celebrates the uniqueness and diversity of Mexican and Cuban folk music and dance. Their soulful and highly energetic music captures the sound of the early 1900s when the golden age of song first exploded onto the radio waves in Mexico and Cuba.  This internationally acclaimed quartet performs on a dizzying array of traditional instruments including the tres cubano, guitarra de son, jarana, marimbol, and cajón.  For this performance only, the band will include special stories and music celebrating Día de los Muertos, the Hispanic remembrance of the Day of the Dead.

   Tickets are $15.00 for all ages and are available at the Oceanside Civic Center Library and Mission Branch Library check-out desks.  Doors open at 7:00 p.m. and it is open seating.
