Shirley Horton has left her position as CEO of the Downtown San Diego Partnership to become development director at the South Bay Community Services. This could be viewed as a step down …. unless Horton is considering a re-entry into Chula Vista politics then this would be a great first step…. quien sabe 

    Mateo Camarillo is wearing two hats one as spokesperson/contact for an Asian American group and as a board member of the Latino American Political Association. Guess it depends on which side of the bed in wakes up on, which hat he wears. 

    Este groupo, Latino American Political Assoc. is a new one and has only done one thing we know of – endorse Ron Roberts.

     Where there is smoke, there must be a fire… or so the Grand Jury thinks. The jury is looking into the goings on over at Sweetwater Authority. Paesano Herman Baca wrote a letter to the jury asking for an investigation into the comments of outgoing manager about ‘thieves and liars’.

    $20,000 for a sculpture garden at 3rd and E in Chula Vista ….really

    Folks in Escondido are getting upset at the DUI traffic stops, which hardly ever makes any DUI arrest. Community out in protest and an Escondido cop actually pulled out a gun scarring some young girls… cops getting out of control.
