CHCI 2011 Program Applications Now Available

    CHCI is recruiting Hispanic American students – undergraduate and graduate – for its nationally recognized youth development leadership programs.

    Applications for CHCI’s 2011 Congressional Internship, Public Policy Fellowship, Graduate Fellowship, and Scholarship Programs are now available online at

    The Congressional Internship Program provides college students with Congressional placements on Capitol Hill for eight weeks during the summer and twelve weeks in the spring and fall.  Participants are exposed to the legislative process and strengthen their professional and leadership skills. Housing, travel and stipend are provided.

    2011 Congressional Internship Deadlines:

    – Spring: November 5, 2010
    – Summer: February 4, 2011
    – Fall: April 29, 2011

    CHCI’s nine month Public Policy Fellowship Program, conducted from September to May, seeks to enhance participants’ leadership abilities, strengthen professional skills and produce more competent and competitive Latino professionals in public policy areas.  The program provides college graduates with national, hands-on public policy experience in a congressional office, federal agency, nonprofit sector, or corporate setting. Travel, healthcare and monthly stipend are provided. The Public Policy Fellowship Program application deadline is February 18, 2011.

    CHCI’s nine month Graduate Fellowship Program offers unparalleled experience in the underserved public policy areas of education, health, housing, international affairs, law, and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). This competitive program is for exceptional Latinos who have earned a master’s degree within three years of the program start date. The International Affairs Fellowship includes three months abroad in Mexico. Travel, health insurance and a monthly stipend are provided. The Graduate Fellowship Program application deadline is February 18, 2011.

    With close to $3 million in need-based scholarships awarded to Hispanic students since 2001, CHCI’s Scholarship Program is available to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in a two-four year accredited college or university. Students pursuing an associate’s degree may apply for a grant in the amount of $1,000; $2,500 for bachelor’s candidates; $5,000 for graduate students. The Scholarship Program application deadline is April 16, 2011.

    To be eligible, all program applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents, be a graduate or undergraduate student with remarkable leadership potential, and have demonstrated a vast history and commitment to community and public service.
