Community Notes:

Ending Prohibition?  Proposition 19, Marijuana Legalization, and Its Effect on Drug Trafficking in Mexico

    On October 14, 2010, the Trans-Border Institute at the University of San Diego will host an international conference to discuss California’s Proposition 19 and the projected effects it will have on drug trafficking-related violence in Mexico. This initiative, which would effectively end prohibition of marijuana—putting it on the same par as alcohol in the state of California—is intended to radically reshape marijuana criminalization.

    The purpose of this forum is to examine the political viability and potential consequences of California’s Proposition 19 for Mexico and counter-drug efforts more broadly.

    The conference will take place from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm at University Center Forums A&B at the University of San Diego and will involve activists and experts from the United States and Mexico.

    REGISTRATION and more info:

Candidates Forum on Sustainability set for Saturday October 2.

    A green issues forum will feature candidates for national, statewide, and local office on October 2 at the California Center for Sustainable Energy, 8690 Balboa Ave., Suite 100, San Diego from 2-5 p.m.

    Presented by the Sustain-ability Alliance of Southern California (SASC) and the California Center for Sustainable Energy (CCSE), the forum will address sustainable energy, transportation, national security, water and land-use planning efforts. The public is invited to this no-cost forum, and attendees are encouraged to register at the online link below. The following candidates have confirmed their appearance: Francine Busby – United States House of Representatives, 50th District; Duane Roberts – United States Senate; Office of Meg Whitman – California Governor; Office of Chelene Nightingale – California Governor; Crystal Craw-ford – State Assembly, 74th District; Ralph Denney – State Assembly, 76th District; Marty Block – State Assembly, 78th District; Ron Roberts – San Diego County Board of Supervisors, 4th District; Stephen Whitburn – San Diego County Board of Supervisors, 4th District; Steve Gronke – San Diego County Board of Supervisors, 5th District; and Howard Wayne – City of San Diego City Council, 6th District.

    Online registration at For more information, contact Jennifer Green at (858) 244-1180.

San Ysidro Community Plan Update Workshops

    The City of San Diego will be hosting a series of three community workshops known as a Charrette as part of the San Ysidro Community Plan Update process. The Community Plan is currently being updated to address new conditions, challenges, and opportunities facing San Ysidro. 

    The workshops are on Monday, October 4, Tuesday, October 5, and Wednesday, October 13 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Willow Elementary – 226 Willow Road in San Ysidro.  Community members have a critical role in updating the community plan, to ensure that it represents the community’s vision and goals.  

    Refreshments and supervised child activities will be available.

    Information:  619-236-6368 or

Talleres para la Actualización del Plan Comunitario de San Ysidro

    La Ciudad de San Diego será el anfitrión de una serie de tres talleres comunitarios conocido como un Charrette como parte del proceso de Actualización del Plan Comunitario de San Ysidro. El Plan Comunitario se está actualizando para responder a las nuevas condiciones, retos, y oportunidades que enfrenta San Ysidro.

    Los talleres son el lunes 4 de octubre, martes 5 de octubre, y miércoles 13 de octubre de 6:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. en Willow Elementary – 226 Willow Road en San Ysidro.  Miembros de la comunidad tienen una parte crítica en la actualización del plan comunitario, para asegurar que la visión y las metas de la comunidad sean representadas.

    Se proporcionaran refrescos y actividades para niños supervisadas.

    Información: 619-236-6368 o
