Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of Democracy for Women

A Suffrage Parade and Ball in San Diego

    2010 is the 90th anniversary of women winning the right to vote in the United States. On August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was officially approved allowing women the right to vote in Federal Elections for the first time.

    For over three generations, American suffragists played a major role in “writing women back into history.” They remembered and honored the women who came before them, and they preserved their stories. At a time when women were meant to be seen and not heard, they braved censure and disgrace by speaking out on behalf of all women and organizing for their rights.

    The call for women’s right to vote was heard at the first women’s rights convention in 1848 and was finally won in 1920.

    The 72-year non-violent campaign was waged by tens of thousands – grandmothers to mothers to daughters- united to win the right to vote. Remarkable women arose in each state and became part of history themselves when they successfully secured civil rights and political independence for American women. 

    This 90th Anniversary offers a special opportunity to pay tribute to their courage, determination, and tenacity and to their lasting achievement.

    The Women’s History Museum will honor the work of these political pioneers by hosting a Suffrage Parade on Thursday, August 26 and a Suffrage Ball on August 28th.

    The Suffrage Parade will be held in Balboa Park starting at the Kate Sessions stature on the 6th Avenue side of the park at 5pm with a Presentation of Speakers and then proceeding across the Laurel Street Bridge to the Organ Pavillion for the free concert and a picnic on the lawn. The public is encourage to dress in Suffrage attire (usually all white with purple sashes, American flags, VOTES FOR WOMEN signs, and banners) all in an effort to simulate a Suffrage March of the early 1900s.

    The Suffrage Ball, with the theme “The Fabulous Forties” – a USO style dance, will be held on Saturday, August 28th at the historic Lafayette Hotel which was built in 1946 and has recently been returned to it’s Forties glory by the San Diego History Center. The Ball will be one of the first events held in the newly refurbished Mississippi Room. Attendees will be encouraged to dress in 1940s attire and compete in the costume contest. Food and drink from the 40s will be served and a Wartime Bake Sale will be held as part of the fund raising efforts of the evening.  The 1940s music will be provided by the Sue Palmer Orchestra who specializes in the boogie-woogie music of the era. Don’t be surprised to see The Andrew Sisters make an appearance.

    The Parade is Free!  Tickets to the Ball range from $40 to $60 and are available at the museum web site. Hotel packages are also available. More info at www.womensmuseumsd.org or 618 233-7963.
