Letters in Support of the Candidates:

Jill Galvez for Chula Vista City Council

   In 2008, I ran for the City Council and as you may recall, lost by an ultra slim margin of 46 votes. This year I have searched and researched the four current candidates for our City Council. What I looked for is a candidate with superior professional background, bonafide business credentials and most of all an unquestionable sense of ethic. Further, this candidate needed to share my vision for Chula Vista which is centered on business and economic development, preservation of basic city services while not spending what the City does not have and maintaining city infrastructure.

   I am pleased to announce that I have found that Jill Galvez will carry forward the very same vision that had I been elected, would have followed. Jill has by far a superior resume of experience as compared to any of her three competitors. She is exactly the right candidate at the right time that we so sorely need in Chula Vista. Most importantly, Jill is not beholding to any special interest as compared to all three of her competitors. No one owns Jill Galvez. She is one hundred percent “genuine issue”. I can’t say that about many of the politicos I have encountered in my 20 plus years of civic involvement in Chula Vista. Jill is the “real deal”.

   I also want to speak specifically to my fellow Republicans. Please disregard the candidacy of Larry Brietfelder. You need to be aware that Brietfelder has failed to support Republican candidates numerous times and in fact has worked to defeat us time and again. He is not a genuine Republican. He has been responsible for water rate increases as a water board member. He himself has done nothing remarkable as a water board member. His so called “taxpayer association” has been personanongrata during the most crucial debates on city budget reform. He has failed to lead his “association” which seems to be on the brink of total collapse due to the inattention from its leader, Mr. Brietfelder.

   In conclusion, I am proud to endorse Jill Galvez for the City Council of Chula Vista. If you voted for Russ Hall in 2008, please vote for Jill on June 8th and let ethical common sense return to our City Council!

Russ Hall


A Principled Leader for District 8

   This Election Day, San Diego Latino voters in City Council District 8 will select a new representative to a four year term. If voters want a principled leader who will support the reform agenda at City Hall, they should consider casting their ballot for Adrian Vazquez.

   I’ve had the opportunity to talk with Adrian this year, and learn more about his character and his vision for District 8. He’s passionate about helping others, keeping our streets safe and fixing the budget crisis that has decimated city services and our quality of life. I’d like to share with you some of what I’ve learned about this rising star in San Diego politics.

Quality of Life

   As an 11-year resident of District 8, Adrian Vazquez understands the urgent needs of the community. Adrian has seen up-close the slow and dangerous decay of our streets, our sidewalks and our public spaces. If elected, he will challenge the status quo at City Hall that disenfranchises hard-working Latino families. By asking tough questions and prioritizing people first, he’ll make sure that local neighborhoods  get their fair share of city funding for parks, libraries and fire stations during the budget season.

Job Creation

   High unemployment rates and recessionary ruin have hurt millions of Californians, particularly Latino workers, who suffer under a higher unemployment rate than the statewide average. As an insurance licensing contracting manager, Adrian Vazquez has the business background we need at City Hall to pursue a better job growth strategy that helps everyone in the San Diego economy.

Taxpayer Issues

   Adrian Vazquez is a true friend of the taxpayer – he has the steel backbone we need in our elected officials to stand tall to special interests and reject higher fees and taxes on working families. Adrian’s tough stances on taxes and fiscal reform have earned him the valuable endorsement of the San Diego Tax Fighters, a premier taxpayer advocacy organization. If elected, Adrian Vazquez would stand in solidarity with taxpayer watchdogs and work to save millions of dollars through structural budget reforms and injecting common sense at Council hearings.


   Adrian Vazquez is a strong believer in the sanctity of human life, and is the only District 8 candidate that has received the major endorsement of the California Pro-Life Council. A candidate’s views on human dignity speaks volumes about their worldview and their core values, which guide them through the difficult ethical dilemmas they encounter in government service. Without question, Adrian Vazquez has the moral compass to make the right decisions for the residents of District 8.

   With the right leadership in these difficult times, San Diego can lay the foundation for future growth and prosperity. Join me in supporting Adrian Vazquez for San Diego City Council District 8! For more information about Adrian and donating to his campaign, please visit www.avd8.com. Remember to vote Tuesday, June 8th!

Vince Vasquez


Butler for County Assessor

   When the former Assessor Greg Smith retired from office, the County Board of Supervisors interviewed the candidates for a replacement. After their review they selected the best qualified candidate which was David Butler. Reassessment requests have dropped from 56,000 in 2009 to 7,000 in 2010; apparently the Board of Supervisors knew what they were doing when they appointed Mr. Butler as Assessor. Now Mr. B0utler is running for a full term as Assessor and is by far the best person for the job. None of the other candidates have the experience that Mr. Butler has; he is the only person that has on the job experience.

James Janette
