San Diego City College Chicano Latina Graduation

    San Diego City College will hold its 40th Annual Chicano Latina Graduation Ceremony on Saturday, May 15, at 12:30 pm at Saville Theatre. San Diego City College: 1313 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92101—Saville Theater is located at 14th and C Sts.

    City College will honor its Chicano Latina graduates in a ceremony. The celebration is open to all students of any ethnicity. Students graduating will receive a certificate, and the ceremony will mark the completion of an important and exciting phase of their education.

    Conducted in Spanish and English, the celebration will kick off with San Diego’s very own, Chunky y Los Alacranes Mojados, a longtime Chicano music hero/activist and a former City College student. A performance will also be given by Danza Coyolxauhqui, a cohort of local Aztec Dancers.

    The keynote speaker will be Lorena Gonzalez, San Diego and Imperial Counties Secretary-Treasurer. City College President Terry Burgess will also be present to congratulate and shake the hand of each student graduating. Chicana and Chicano Studies Department Chair Hector Martinez will also provide congratulatory words. Graduates will share some words from the stage with the families and friends attending the celebration.

    The graduation ceremony will be followed by Rock en español, tacos, and cake.
