Santos a Jack of All Trades for the Lancers

<figure id="attachment_5644" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-5644" style="width: 300px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a class="highslide" onclick="return vz.expand(this)" href="">… loading="lazy" class="size-medium wp-image-5644" title="DSC_0566" src="…; alt="" width="300" height="291"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-5644" class="wp-caption-text">Ben Santos brings versatility to the field Photo: J.P. Wyllie</figcaption></figure>
<p>In his four years of varsity lacrosse Ben Santos has played every position for the Hilltop Lancers. His versatility has made him the most indispensable player on Hilltop’s team.</p>
<p>“If I need somebody to do something the first guy I think of is Ben Santos,” said Lancer coach Pete Bishop. “He is very flexible, loves the game and just jumps right in there. Ben is a multi-sport athlete. They are great to have because the skills they have developed from their other sport often transfer.”</p>
<p>In the case of Santos, that other sport is water polo. Following last season Santos was selected as a first team all-league goalie and voted the Lancer’s MVP, but now his focus is completely on lacrosse. He acquired his love of the game through his father who serves as a Hilltop assistant coach.</p>
<p>“My Dad played intramural lacrosse at the Naval Academy. I was very active in a lot of sports when I was growing up. He bought me a lacrosse stick when I was about 11 or 12 and for years we just played together throwing it around. My first organized lacrosse was here at Hilltop during my freshman year.”</p>
<p>With his early introduction to the sport Santos was able to make the varsity team as a freshman and become one of a handful of athletes in his freshman class to earn a varsity letter that year. He has progressed with each season and developed into one of the top players in the South Bay.</p>
<p>While Santos can play anywhere on the field effectively, he prefers to play in either an attacking role or in the goal. Both positions require a lot of responsibility and come with a lot of pressure and Santos thrives on that. The Lancers are about .500 so far this year, but with Santos leading the way they have improved with each successive game.</p>
<p>Santos has been a top notch two-sport athlete for the Lancers over the last four seasons, but he will be also remembered for his academic prowess. He recently received an award as a National Hispanic Scholar.</p>
<p>“In order to qualify you have to be at least one quarter Hispanic, have a G.P.A of at least 3.2 and obtain certain score on your SATs. I just received a letter congratulating me on my acceptance,” Santos said.</p>
<p>Santos has already been accepted at LSU, UC Merced and UC Riverside. He is leaning toward UC Riverside where he hopes to study Biochemistry.</p>
<p>“I am hoping to go on to a career in sports medicine or toxicology.”</p>
<p>If he pursues that with the same enthusiasm that he demonstrates as an athlete he should one day enjoy a successful career.</p>

John Philip Wyllie