Fueling Up Your Athletes!

<p>It is halftime for the soccer game. The young players run off the field. There is a large bowl of fresh cut oranges for them to eat. Oranges are a good snack for these athletes. Oranges are full of vitamin C, which helps their body fight germs. After the players eat their oranges, it is time to go back on the field. Everyone is running and chasing the ball until the last whistle is blown. The parent assigned for the “after the game snack” gives out the goody bags.&nbsp;</p>
<p>The great news is that some parents do give these athletes healthy snacks like pretzels, low-fat granola bars, and 100% fruit juices. Most of the time, potato chips, candies, fruit snacks, sports drinks, peanut butter or cheese filled crackers, marshmallows, and muffins are given to the children. Many of these kinds of foods may have little or no vitamins and minerals. They also may have high amounts of sugar and fat. These foods are not healthy snacks.</p>
<p>Children need to refuel their bodies with good food and drinks after a game. Foods that have more vitamins and minerals are better for them. Give them sliced apples, granola energy bars, graham crackers, raisins, baked chips, pretzels, or fruit snacks made with 100% real fruit. Sparkling or cold water is the best choice for these young players to drink after a game.</p>
<p>Help children make a change to eat healthier snacks. Share your ideas about healthy snacks with other parents. They also want the best for their children.</p>


Crystal Nguyen