Felices Pascuas

The Easter holiday is about re-birth and new beginnings. It is the start of the spring season, ladies dressed in flowery fashions, and the Easter egg. For the Christian community it is about the Resurrection of Christ.

This year, after several tough economic years, which has taken a toll on everyone, this Easter we do not have to celebrate the holiday with such a heavy burden and can sense the re-birth of our country as it is finally coming back from the recession that has gripped our homeland.

The signs of a new beginning are everywhere: the housing market is starting to rebound, the stock market is gaining ground, job loss numbers are no longer climbing and companies are once again hanging their for hire signs in their windows. The sense of gloom and doom is starting to lift and our spirits are beginning to soar.

There is a new health care bill that promises to take care of our poor and is a good step in the right direction to ensure that all, can afford to see the doctor. As a country we are still struggling with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but our President has promised to have our troops home soon.

Heck, even the weather is cooperating here in Southern California with more rain than normal; for once in a long while we haven’t had to hear about the drought that is upon us. Of course this doesn’t mean we can go back to our willy-nilly days of wastefulness when it comes to water.

In fact, we as a whole have had to change our ways, we have to become more conservative not only with our water, but the way we drive, gas guzzlers such as the Humvee are a thing of the past. We are making an effort to become more “green” and to conserve more. And we have to re-think the way we spend money, the days of borrowing on home equity will no longer be so easy or frequent. Living within our means not only as individuals but as cities and as a state will become more of the norm.

As we celebrate this Easter holiday we have much to look forward to as we go through this re-birth and prepare for the future.

Happy Easter
