CORRECTION: Last week in tezzy we miss-identified San Ysidro School board member as Raquel Beltran. It should have been Raquel Marquez Madden. Anyway here is the note with the correct name (a good excuse to run this one more time!):

Update on Pearl Quinones. Quinones laid-off with 5 months left before being eligible for full retirement benefits, this after working in San Ysidro for 19 years. Apparently the board member leading the charge to lay-off Quinones was Raquel Marquez Madden who also works for Ben Hueso who is running for assembly against Quinones. Politics being played here? You decide….

Now on to this week’s tid bits:

Local Chula Vistans not too happy with council person Pamela Bensoussan lately…. the idea of circulating a recall petition was out there…. But you can’t really recall someone for lying to you… they wouldn’t be in politics for very long if  told the truth – now would they????

Jose Casas the wannebe city attorney for Chula Vista, had been out politicking for the past year, decided at the last moment to drop out of the race…. he sighted family issues and work issues… amigo, these are the things you decided in the beginning not at the end after you have already collected $12,000 from people who believed in you…

Maybe it was Casas’ less then exciting showing at the one and only debate he participated in that motivated him to leave the race.

Chris Zapata looking to leave National City not a big surprise…. Zapata has been doing a yeoman’s job at the city keeping all the balls in the air…

Speaking of National City… Channel 10 did an investigative piece on the appointment of the Frank Parra as Emergency Services Director. For those interested in the story here is the link: http://www.10news.com/investigations/22816647/detail.html
