Political Notes:

Voters’ Ballot Information for the Oceanside Special Municipal Recall Election December 8, 2009

 The Oceanside Special Municipal Recall Election will be held on December 8, 2009. The ballot contains 2 items to be voted on:

The first item you need to decide on is:

 Shall Jerome M. Kern be recalled (removed) from the office of Member of the City Council of the City of Oceanside?

The second item you need to decide on is:

  If the recall is successful, Vote for One candidate to fill the vacancy to the term ending November 2010.

 Both items are available to be voted on and one does not cancel out another as in years past. So please carefully consider both items.

 We encourage all our voters to take an active interest in this election and your City’s government. Voting is a wonderful privilege and a responsibility. Your vote does make a difference.

 If you wish to vote but are not yet registered, or you have moved, please register to vote and have your voter registration form postmarked on or before November 23. Forms are available in the City Clerk’s Office at 300 N. Coast Hwy. If you have any questions, please call (760) 435-3000.

Two-Thirds Vote Initiative Enters Circulation

 Changes Legislative Vote Requirement to Pass a Budget or Raise Taxes  from Two-Thirds to a Simple Majority. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.

 Secretary of State Debra Bowen announced that the proponent of a new initiative may begin collecting petition signatures for his measure. 

 The Attorney General’s official title and summary for the measure is as follows: CHANGES LEGISLATIVE VOTE REQUIREMENT TO PASS A BUDGET OR RAISE TAXES FROM TWO-THIRDS TO A SIMPLE MAJORITY. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Changes the legislative vote requirement necessary to pass the state budget, and to raise taxes, from two-thirds to a simple majority. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Unknown state fiscal impacts from lowering the legislative vote requirement for spending and tax increases. In some cases, the content of the annual state budget could change and/or state tax revenues could increase. Fiscal impact would depend on the composition and actions of future Legislatures. (09-0037.)

Saldaña Holiday Food Drive

 Assembly Member Lori Saldaña to host Fifth Annual Holiday Party, featuring a Canned Food Drive, Thursday, December 3rd 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. at the Lincoln Military Housing – Recreation Center, The Village at NTC, 1895 Tattnal Way, San Diego, CA 92106.

 Help fight hunger in San Diego this holiday season. Many San Diego families are struggling this year due to the difficult economic times. Please bring canned goods or any non-perishable food items to help a family in need.

 You will also have a chance to discuss past, current and future legislative issues of interest.

 Light hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be served.

 To RSVP or for more information please call (619) 645-3090.

San Diego Teacher of the Year Announces Candidacy For San Diego Unified School Board

 Kevin Beiser, award-winning classroom teacher and committed community activist, has formally declared his candidacy for San Diego Unified School Board, District B.

 “I am passionate about kids,” Beiser said. “I’m passionate about the use of education to help secure their future. I’m passionate about giving kids the tools to have a better life and to achieve their dreams. I’m committed to working for that ‘better tomorrow’ which is our responsibility as teachers, administrators and school board members to provide.”

 For more information about Kevin Beiser for School Board, or to see a list of his endorsements, visit the campaign website at www.kevinbeiser.com.
