San Diego City Council rejects 15% pay raise and they make it sound like they are one with the people… hell they should be getting a pay cut like the rest of the city employees, and then maybe they can keep one or two more people working instead of firing them. Come on, city council people want to be one with the people take an 8% pay cut and start paying more for your benefits….

Without a word, without a comment, without a question, without public input, the city council of National City hired Frank Parra as Emergency Service Director and changed the structure of the city???? Not one question or comment… come on guys and gals, was this done all behind closed doors???? I mean not one concern????

Channel 10 was all set to do a story on the Parra appointment but got scrapped when the tragic events of the week became top priorty.

The good old boy system is still the good old boy system, doesn’t matter if is the white guys or brown guys… Still the good old boy system… Rumor has it that this was a way to remove Parra as a threat to become the next mayor…

Pearl Quinones in a tough battle for the 79th Assembly District, just got a little tougher. Pearl was laid off from her job in San Ysidro this past week…. Que lástima, was this a political movida??? San Ysidro is a part of Ben Hueso’s district as San Diego councilman…

Donna Frye was seen as the great white hope to unseat Ron Roberts as supervisor, everyone that contemplated running, Shelia Jackson and Lori Saldana, got out the way and then Frye decides she is not ready to take on Roberts. There is an old saying: “No guts, No glory.”
