South Bay Shows Off Their Rides

Southwest High hosts car show and raises funds for good causes

outhwest High hosts car show and raises funds for good causes. Custom bikes were a popular attraction at the show.

After a cold and rainy night, the sun managed to break through just in time for the start of the Southwest High Car Show. Dozens of custom cars and bicycles were on display this weekend, showing off some of the best of what the South Bay has to offer.

The event featured several local car clubs, informational booths from the US Census, the US Marines and several of Southwest High’s campus clubs. Attendees of the show had the opportunity to vote for their favorite cars and bikes and the winners were presented with a variety of trophies.

Along with the numerous vehicles on display, there were variety of live entertainers, including the Southwest High Band and Mariachi.

As a means of reaching out to the community around Southwest High, several students – led by Juniors Carlos Lozano and Nayeli Vargas – approach-ed the administration about hosting the event. Lozano and Vargas, with assistance from Principal Dr. Maria Armstrong and ASB Dean Mark Carpizo, organized the event from its inception, including meeting with local car clubs, designing event fliers and planning the event layout.

“We are very proud of the initiative of the students at Southwest High,” said Board President Arlie N. Ricasa. “The community really came through today in support of this school and of the entire South Bay.”

The purpose of the event was to highlight the diversity of the South Bay community and to raise funds for the Junior class. Over $500 was raised at the event. In addition, the Junior class has also committed to donating a portion of the proceeds to relief efforts in Haiti.