Pedroza a Bulldog for the Lancer Hoopsters

<figure id="attachment_4683" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-4683" style="width: 355px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a class="highslide" onclick="return vz.expand(this)" href="/sites/default/files/2010/02/1-2010-021.jpg"><img loading="lazy" class="size-full wp-image-4683" title="1-2010 021" src="…; alt="" width="355" height="406" srcset="… 355w,… 262w" sizes="(max-width: 355px) 100vw, 355px"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-4683" class="wp-caption-text">Lancer guard and captain Alexis Pedroza. Photo: J.P. Wyllie </figcaption></figure>
<p>While it appears that the Hilltop Lancer Girls Basketball Team will finish in the middle of the Mesa League pack, their senior guard, Alexis Pedroza has developed into one the finest defensive players in the league.</p>
<p>“Alexis is the bulldog of our team,” according to Hilltop head coach, Ray Jindra.</p>
<p>“She usually guards the other team’s toughest player. Alexis plays out in front and that usually makes her the center of attention. She’s the best defensive player on our team and probably the best one in the league. She will no doubt be missed next year.”</p>
<p>Pedroza grew up in a close-knit Mexican family most of which still lives in Guadalajara.</p>
<p>“I am 100% Hispanic in every sense of the word and I am very proud of my heritage,” Pedroza said following a recent practice. “We are planning to head down their once again sometime this month. We still speak mostly in Spanish at home, but I picked up English after beginning school here in the first grade.”</p>
<p>She obviously paid attention. Pedroza is now enrolled in Advanced Placement English and Literature and has become a very solid student.</p>
<p>“I dabbled in Ballet Folklorico when I was younger, but I think I am more of an athlete than a dancer. I’ve played soccer and softball, but basketball is my number one sport. I am also involved in six different clubs, so I keep busy.</p>
<p>“I am probably most involved with the Humanities Club. This year we went around to local businesses soliciting donations for our annual auction. We divided the $4,000 we raised between Chidren’s Hospital and the earthquake victims in Haiti.”&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
<p>On the court she has been equally effective. Her 99 points thus far places her second on the team in scoring behind only Nikki Furuya. Her ball handling and ball hawking skills have also been frequently notable. What she does best however, is provide leadership.</p>
<p>“As the team’s captain I am responsible for letting the girls know where they are supposed to be and I try to provide a sense of team unity. I want them to feel that this is more than a program. I want them to feel that they are part of a family. Basketball has become my number one sport because of the bond that we feel here. We have each other’s best interests at heart and we like to encourage each other to do well.”</p>
<p>Following her graduation in June, Pedroza hopes to attend SDSU where she will major in International Business and minor in French. With her drive, smarts and personality she will no doubt go far.</p>

John Philip Wyllie