Inner-City School to Host Mega Breakfast

The Breakfast for Champions event will include a presentation about Nativity Prep Academy, a year-round college prep middle school.

Nativity Prep Academy, located at 3233 Market Street, San Diego, 92102, will host “Breakfast for Champions,” a community breakfast at the Del Mar Fairgrounds Mission Tower Ballroom, on Wednesday, March 3, 2010, from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., free of charge. The impressive undertaking is estimated to draw 700 attendees; the public is encouraged to participate and discover what makes this academic model that breaks the cycle of crime, drugs, and poverty so unique.

The Breakfast for Champions event will include a presentation about Nativity Prep Academy, a year-round college prep middle school that challenges its at-risk children from southeast San Diego with a rigorous academic schedule. Nativity Prep Academy combats a 50% area high school dropout rate with a successful national academic model that sends 80% of its inner-city children to college. Their format includes a 10-hour school day, summer school, small classes, family counseling, weekly support while in high school, and numerous field trips outside of the children’s barrio neighborhoods. In 2005, Nativity Prep Academy’s inaugural eighth grade class had a 100% acceptance rate into top high schools — 85% earned scholarships to local private high schools.

According to Breakfast for Champions Event Chair Jamie Carr, “If students enter high school with a solid academic foundation, the probability that they enter and succeed in college is significantly greater. We position students to succeed by providing tuition-free attendance — funding is provided through donations from individuals, corporations and foundations — enriched learning through academic field trips, music and athletics, community service, a commitment beyond graduation, partnership with the family and disciplined study habits. One of this year’s graduates will be attending Yale in the fall. We are fortunate to have this breakfast underwritten by a generous donor and we invite the public to discover what makes Nativity Prep Academy such an extraordinary environment and so academically advanced.”

Although the Breakfast For Champions is free of charge, due to the large capacity reservations are required. Tables of 10 are available and doors open at 7:00 am.  To RSVP, please contact Del Centanni at (619) 544-9455 x 227 or visit for additional information.
