Mario Torero Making A Difference in the Art Community

Mexicali artists in front of the Barrio Logan mural “Life is a Dream.”

There is a local artist who has been influencing San Diego art and culture since the 1970’s.

At age 62 Mario Torero is still going strong and his presence is  felt in a bold yet unassuming way every day in our city. Best known for his murals in Chicano Park, Mario Torero has never stopped painting public art, from the welcoming winged statues at the San Diego airport (soon to be sadly removed) to his recently unveiled breakthrough mural at UCSD commemorating 40 years of Chicano history. He has been tirelessly organizing and bringing public art into San Diego communities. His dream is an Arts Corridor from City College, down 16th Street to Logan Avenue in Barrio Logan, past Chicano Park to 26th street.

Last month he invited and organized a group of a dozen artist from Mexicali who painted a wonderful 15X50 foot mural in Barrio Logan titled “Life is a Dream.”

This weekend he has organized a group of local artist to paint another mural in Barrio Logan for Doña Diana Martinez owner of the popular “El 7 Mares” restaurant. The artists will be painting the mural and beautifying the community this weekend at 2234 Logan Ave. SD, 92113.

Next weekend he has organized a paintathon on 1/16/10 to dedicated to the legacy of Martin Luther King. The day will be open to artists “painting for Freedom” at his home/studio/gallery in University City.
