Promoting Your Preteen’s Health

<p>Now, more than ever, one of the best ways to keep your preteen healthy is with a visit to the doctor at 11-12 years of age. Why? Well, one important reason is to make sure he or she is up to date on immunizations to protect against serious diseases like pertussis (whooping cough) and H1N1 influenza.</p>
<p>These and other diseases are still present in our community. As of December 16, 2009, there have been 137 cases of pertussis reported to the County of San Diego Health Department, more than twice the number of the previous year. Also, H1N1 can result in serious complications.</p>
<p>Preteens need to have their immunization records checked to see if they are missing important vaccinations. Immunity from some vaccines decreases over time, so preteens need a booster dose to stay protected. Also, preteens are at greater risk of catching diseases like meningitis, and are at risk of serious complications if they get H1N1 flu.</p>
<p>Preteen (11-12 years old) Vaccine Checklist</p>
<p>* Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis)<br>
* Meningococcal<br>
* Regular Seasonal flu (annually)<br>
* H1N1 (swine) flu<br>
* HPV (one brand is licensed for use in boys as well as girls)<br>
* Varicella (Chickenpox) 2nd dose</p>
<p>If you’re a parent of a preteen, make it a goal to schedule a visit with your doctor now, and urge other parents to do so, too. January 17-23, 2010 is Preteen Vaccine Week, a statewide promotion of the preteen doctor visit and preteen immunizations. It’s well worth the time to invest in your preteen’s health!</p>
<p>Have questions? Visit the San Diego Immunization Branch website at <a href=""></a>&nbsp;(go to the Community section and click on Pre-Teens and Adolescents).&nbsp; You can also call 619-692-8661.</p>
<p>Other websites: <a href=""></a>.&nbsp;State of CA Dept. of Public Health website (enter Preteen Vaccines” in the Search box.)</p>
<p><a href=""></a>&nbsp; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (enter “Preteen Vaccines” in the Search box at the top of the main page).</p>
<p>The San Diego County Immunization Coalition (SDIC) is a local coalition of approximately 150 partner organizations working together to identify and develop strategies to raise immunization (IZ) coverage for all residents of San Diego County.</p>


San Diego Immunization Coalition