The Public Forum . . . El Foro Público

Spare change?

This latest caper in the great Charger Chase reminds me of a trip I took many years ago for some well deserved middle-aged mischief in Mexicali. As I was waiting in line to return to the good old USA this lady came to the car. It turns out she wasn’t selling gum or porcelain pigs or churros. Instead she stuck this tiny kid in my window and said loudly in pretty good English, “THE BABY NEEDS MONEY!”

Well it looks to me like that is what Spanos and Fabiani are doing to the taxpayers now-they are sticking their Charger child in the window and saying the same thing. I was pretty hard-hearted way back then and didn’t give the insolvent infant a peso and I suggest that we should stay cheap and not bribe the billionaire babies to stay either.

Ted Kennedy
Chula Vista, CA 

Talking to children about sex

A recent study conducted by the University of California Los Angeles Rand Center for Adolescent Health Promotion concluded that American parents initiate a dialog about sexuality far too late. In fact, researchers found that more than 40% of teens were already sexually active before parents broached the subject of sexuality, birth control or sexually transmitted infections.

Published in Pediatrics, the report suggests parents rethink the idea of having a single “sex talk” and view healthy sexuality as an ongoing discussion. At Planned Parenthood, we wholeheartedly agree. We also recognize that many parents are uncomfortable addressing these issues with their teens. They don’t know where to start. Or they’re afraid their kids will ask questions they can’t – or don’t want to – answer.

Parents continually tell us that talking to their children about sexuality is one of the most uncomfortable parts of the job. And yet it is one of the most important because teens who talk to their parents about sex are more likely to delay sexual activity. When they do become sexually active, teens that have a healthy dialog with their parents are also more likely to be responsible about pregnancy and disease prevention.

That’s why Planned Parenthood offers free classes for parents who want to learn to talk to their children about sex. Educators help parents create a plan to start a healthy dialog that provides age-appropriate, medically accurate information and reflects your individual family values. We also offer free booklets on healthy family communication.

We know that talking to teens about sex is tough, but it is also vitally important. San Diego families should know that they have a community partner in Planned Parenthood. Please let us know how we can support your family.

Visit us on the web at or call 619.881.7525 for a schedule of free classes.

Susanne Reno
Director of Education & Training
Planned Parenthood of San Diego & Riverside Counties
