Statement from Assemblymember Marty Block on the Veto of Assembly Bill 24

Yesterday (Tuesday) I learned that among the bills Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed was AB 24, the bill I authored that would have provided a feasibility study (using no state funds) for a new California State University campus in Chula Vista.

When built, that university would create thousands of quality jobs, increase local property values, boost San Diegoxs biotech industry and provide expanded educational opportunity to tens of thousands of San Diegans.

To say I am disappointed at the Governorxs short-sighted action is an understatement.

AB 24 has received wide bipartisan support, not only in both houses of the Legislature, but from a wide variety of organizations that include chambers of commerce and labor unions, and newspapers ranging from La Prensa to the San Diego Union-Tribune.

The Governor was generous in his appreciation of the proposed legislation, but misguided in his veto. His feeling that the CSU Trustees could conduct a similar study internally and therefore not need AB 24 misses the precise purpose of this legislation. While the CSU could conduct an internal study, that study would encompass the entirety of California and would require state funds.

AB 24 is specific to San Diego County and Chula Vista in particular, and for good reason: currently there is no university option in the South County. The nearest institution, San Diego State, is impacted and will turn away thousands of local students this year alone.

If we are to strengthen our economic future, we must begin to lay the educational foundation today to ensure that the next generation of our workforce will be able to compete effectively in the ever growing global market place.

All this, along with the recent troubling news that San Diego State will no longer give preferential admissions to local matriculating students, makes a university in the South County more necessary now than ever before.

While the Governor’s veto of AB 24 is indeed a setback for our communities, our region and California, it does not mark an end to the quest. Too many have worked for too long to make a South County four-year university a reality to simply let it slip away at the hand of one person.

I will continue to work in partnership with our broad coalition of backersx business groups, labor, educators, developers, local governments and prospective students’ and together we will redouble our efforts to make a university in Chula Vista a reality.

Assemblymember Block to Convene Hearing on Recent Change to SDSU Admission Policies

 Assemblymember Marty Block (D-78) announced today that he will convene a special hearing of the Assembly Select Committee on K-16 Articulation, Access and Affordability (of which he is Chair) to examine recent policy changes announced by San Diego State University (SDSU) President Stephen L. Weber related to the suspension of guaranteed admissions for local students.

 The meeting will be held October 20, 2009 from 6:30-8:30pm at Hoover Senior High School, 4474 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, CA 92115 in Room 1103. The hearing will bring together educators from local high schools and community colleges as well as members of the San Diego City Council.

 Speakers include SDSU President Weber, San Diego Community College District Chancellor Constance Carroll, Sweetwater Union High School District Superintendent Jesus Gandara, San Diego City Councilmember Marti Emerald, and San Diego City Councilmember Tony Young.
