Dancing Your Way To Better Health

<p>&nbsp;Who says physical activity has to be boring. Dancing is a great way to get your body moving and your heart pumping. It doesn’t matter if its reggaeton, salsa, or cumbia, dancing burns calories, boosts energy, improves circulation, and tones muscles. A half hour of dancing burns between 200 and 400 calories, depending on the intensity of the dance. Over time, dancing also helps increase strength, flexibility, and endurance. Dancing is a fun way to work on your health while doing something that you enjoy.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Dancing is also good for your mental health. It can cheer you up, motivate you, and let you express yourself. Dancing is a good way to release stress and tension. Dancing also helps your mind because it requires you to remember dance steps in sequence which uses your brain and improves memory.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Dancing is an excellent form of physical activity for many other reasons. Dancing is convenient; you can do it just about anywhere. You can dance around your living room, go to a club, or take a class. You can dance alone, with a partner, or with friends if you feel like socializing. With dancing, you can control the level of energy you put into it. All you need for dancing is just some comfortable clothes and shoes, your body, some music, and a little motivation. You can work on the moves you already know and express your creativity or you can explore and learn a new dance.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Choose a dance that interests you, one that you will look forward to doing. If you aren’t sure, see what’s out there. Dance classes are offered through dance schools, health clubs, community recreation centers, some YMCA’s, schools, and churches. You can also form a practice group with friends and relatives, enjoying regular dance sessions. If you want to move to the music, but are still too shy to go public, buy a dance video and practice at home or rent one from the library. And don’t forget you can always get your body moving while doing household chores to music!</p>
<p>&nbsp;If you are thinking of making dancing your new fitness method, try to dance for 45 minutes once a week or for 20 minutes three times a week. If you are trying to lose weight, you can increase the intensity of your dancing or the frequency to burn more calories. Start off slow and don’t try to push yourself beyond your skills or fitness level. Remember that just like other forms of exercises, it’s important to start off with a warm up and end with a cool down period to help prevent injuries. To feel the benefits of dancing, try to dance at a moderate level, which is a pace that allows you to have a conversation, but not sing your favorite song.</p>

Jamie Schroer