Hurtado Hoping Help Titans Claim CIF Trophy

<figure id="attachment_2362" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-2362" style="width: 230px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a class="highslide" onclick="return vz.expand(this)" href=""><img loading="lazy" class="size-full wp-image-2362 " title="005" src="; alt="Sophomore tackle Arturo Hurtado has been a pleasant surprise at Eastlake High. Photo J.P. Wyllie." width="230" height="224"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-2362" class="wp-caption-text">Sophomore tackle Arturo Hurtado has been a pleasant surprise at Eastlake High. Photo J.P. Wyllie.</figcaption></figure>
<p>&nbsp;With their star-studded lineup the eighth-ranked Eastlake Titans are clear favorites to win another Mesa League football title and drive deep into the CIF playoffs this season. Much has been written about their electrifying, UCLA-bound running back and safety, Tony Jeffer-son, but without some guys up front paving the way for him Jefferson will have difficulty surpassing the 1,149 yard mark that he reached a year ago. Fortunately for him and his Titans he again has the benefit of an excellent offensive line. La Prensa spoke to the Titans 6’1” 270 sophomore right tackle Arturo Hurtado Tuesday following the team’s practice.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“My job is to protect our quarterback and make sure that the holes are open. That way, our running backs have good running space to get through. Last year I had a pretty good season for our freshman team so they brought me up for the playoffs. I wanted to show them that I was ready to take over that tackle spot this season.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;Despite his youth, Hurtado has moved right into the starting lineup and made a significant contribution.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“We knew Arturo was going to be solid, but he has been a real pleasant surprise,” said Titans head coach, John McFadden. “We don’t have very many sophomores playing on the varsity level, but he is a good one. This year he will be play on the offense for us and then the next couple years he will become a two-way guy. He is tough and he has really good feet considering how big he is. I like his willingness to learn and that when we challenge him he never folds. He is just the type of kid you want on your team and he has done a really good job for us. He is going to be one of the better guys around over the next few years. He’ll also play varsity basketball this year,”</p>
<p>&nbsp;No stranger to the weight room, Hurtado ranks among the strongest players on the Titans team. That strength combined with his quick feet make him a future college prospect. His older brothers Abel and Andres played football at Eastlake under McFadden. His oldest brother, Abel, made the jump to the collegiate ranks and currently starts at linebacker for Iowa Graceland University. Arturo hopes to follow in his footsteps.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“Right now I don’t have a particular college that I am interested in, but any Division I college would make me extremely happy,” he said.</p>
<p>&nbsp;His brothers have kept a watchful eye on him and advised him along the way.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“My middle brother, Andres, makes sure that I stay motivated and that I always have a high intensity for the game. My oldest brother, Abel, is always with me talking me up and making sure that I make my blocks. He played O-Line too.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;Having crushed Mission Hills and Steele Canyon in the last two weeks the Titans take on Poway High Friday night before moving into their league schedule.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“We are for sure looking to win CIF this year and maybe going on to win state.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;With guys like Hurtado opening the holes and Jefferson running through them this team could go a long away.</p>

John Philip Wyllie