tezzy Mexicanos know how to throw a fiesta: La Cónsul General de México presented El Grito on the 16th of September at the La Jolla Museum of Art and turned out to be a great party. Only scheduled for two hours, went on for a couple of hours more… la gente having too much fun.

 Enrique Morones was presented the “Ohtli” Award, the highest award that can be presented to a non-citizen by the Consul General at the fiesta. Morones is the director of Border Angels a humanitarian group that puts water out in the desert to keep immigrants from dying of thirst as they cross the desert.

 Phones were burning up for the past week from irate citizens of Chula Vista, many upset about the lack of diversity of the nominations, three white guys, from a city that is over 52% Hispanic and only 24% white. Not very reflective of the community. Democratic Party befuddled by this Democratic majority selecting two Republicans as possible representative. Guess all that Democratic support, volunteers, and money don’t mean that much to these guys.

 Looks like the whole selection process is in trouble, Alvarez makes a pretty good argument (see Public Forum) against the whole appointment process. Stay tuned this could get interesting with the Port Commission appointment being held in balance. 

 The Grassroots Democratic Convention is in town this weekend with Jerry Brown as one of the main speakers at the event. Brown will be running for governor. Daytime events will be held at NTC Promenade Event Center and the dinner will be held at the Hilton Harbor Island Hotel with Congresswoman Linda Chavez as the guest speaker.

 Pregunta: How come we don’t see any protest or at least community groups raising their voice in protest over the shooting at the border? All their silence means is tacit approval of this reckless discharge of firearms.

 Pregunta #2: How come we don’t see any groups rising in protest over the lack of minority contracting by the City of San Diego? Minorities getting less than 1% means that all our tax dollars are going to support the white contracting companies while minority contracting companies are closing down and going out of business. If you don’t rise up and say something… than nothing will change…

 ACORN in trouble but with their backs up against the wall they are starting to fight back. ACORN employees are circling the wagons and vow to come out this stronger and better. Bolsetering their confidence is a recent Congressional Research Service analysis surrounding last week’s ACORN ban passed in the House and found the measure could be interpreted as a “bill of attainder” and unconstitutional. A bill of attainder is a bill that is passed in order to punish or to help one person or group and according to Article 1 of the Constitution a no-no.

 ACORN needs to be scrutinized for their actions that can’t be brushed under the rug, but the intent shouldn’t be to destroy the organization, but to make it a better organization. ACORN has a long record in helping and working with minorities and the poor and this should not be washed away.
