Can Mexican heavyweight Cristobal ‘The Nightmare’ Arreola give Latinos a reason to celebrate?

<p><span style="font-size: small;">History in the Making</span></p>
<p>The times in which we are living in have undeniably been difficult for everyone, but perhaps nobody has been tested and tried more than the Latino people. In the past year, we Latinos have seen many things. We have seen discrimination firsthand in the form of racially motivated checkpoints, and in the increase of hate crimes. Turn on the television or radio, and listen and watch as we continue to be degraded, and belittled by conservative talk show hosts. As a people we have all suffered the effects of one of the worst economic climates that this nation has seen.</p>
<p>&nbsp;In spite of all these challenges, and injustices that continue to plague our communities, we as Latinos have found a way to cope, by doing one of the things that we do best. Celebrate. As of late, there hasn’t been much to celebrate as good news has been hard to come by, but the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court Justice gave us reason to rejoice. There is no doubt that the achievements of this ‘Wise Latina’ have had a profound impact on the Latino community. The significance of this historical feat goes beyond politics for it gives hope to future generations, and assures them that anything is possible as long as you are willing to work hard.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Like Sotomayor, 28 year-old, Mexican-American Cristobal Arreola hopes to give Latinos everywhere another reason to celebrate.</p>
<p>&nbsp;An undefeated heavyweight with an impressive record, (27-0-24 KO’s) Cristobal will look to break down boxing’s barriers by attempting to become the first heavyweight champion of Mexican ancestry. He will get his opportunity when he takes on World Champion, Vitali “Dr. IronFist” Klitschko on September 26 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Although Arreola’s plight to make history pales in comparison to the historical feat set by Chief Justice Sotomayor, there is no denying that a victory over Klitschko would have an immeasurable effect on the world of sports. If he is indeed able to ‘shock the world’ next Saturday night, Cristobal could very well resurrect the sport of boxing.</p>
<p><strong>In boxing, the heavyweights have always been able to transcend the sport.</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;With larger than life personas, names such as Ali, Foreman, and Tyson were all able to attract new audiences, while catapulting the sport to all-time highs and generating a financial windfall for everyone involved. With the recent news that Latino consumers are expected to top $1 trillion a year in purchases nationwide, to have a Mexican-American in the role as the preeminent big man, would have an enormous financial impact on a sport that is driven by the almighty Latino dollar.</p>
<p>&nbsp;With a potential cash-cow in their stable, Arreola’s handlers have spent the past year making sure that the boxing public is aware of his campaign to make history. From taking pictures with babies at meet and greets, to appearing in television ads, the pugilist has transformed himself into a politician of sorts. On the campaign trail, everywhere he goes Arreola is mobbed by well wishers- fans of all ages with one simple message “Don’t let us down.” To them he is the Great Brown Hope.</p>
<p>&nbsp;For Cristobal Arreola, this bout is more than just titles and rankings, he sees this as an opportunity to open doors for other fighters of Mexican descent. Earlier this year Arreola summed up his main goal by stating “I feel like me getting this opportunity, me being able to make history, a lot more heavyweights that are of Mexican descent are going to come out and start making noise in the Heavyweight division.”</p>
<p><strong>High hope’s, he’s got high hopes</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;Although he’s seen as a heavy underdog, Arreola has managed to capture the imagination of boxing fans, and pundits alike. A win over Klitschko and the possibilities for the first Mexican-American heavyweight champion would be endless. “Once he becomes heavyweight world champion, and he will become world champion, we are not going to look for anything but the best challenges out there,” stated Arreola’s promoter Dan Goosen. Gooseen believes that Arreola has the appeal and star power to one day fill the stands of Dodger Stadium. “If there is a man that can sell 40,000 or more seats in L.A., it’s Cristobal Arreola said Goosen “We’d love to fight at Dodger Stadium and it will happen.” With such high hopes riding on his shoulders, one would think that the pressure would be to much to bear, but Arreola insists that this bout will be no different than his previous 27.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“To be honest with you, for me, it’s just another fight.” stated Arreola. “I don’t try to get caught up in the hype or everything like that. It’s just another tough fight even though we all know it’s bigger than just another fight.” To call it a tough fight would be an understatement. At 6 ft7 in, Vitali Klitschko presents a plethora of problems for Arreola. With a record of (37-2-36 KO’S) Vitali boasts the highest knockout percentage of any heavyweight.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Klitschko is as methodical as they come, (he holds a PHD in philosophy) and has the ability to pick apart his opponents using his powerful jab. There is no doubt that Vitali will test Arreola like nobody has before. He will take him into murky waters, test his will, and see just how much of a Mexican warrior he really is.</p>

Steve Galindo III