First 5 Commission Names New Executive Director

Barbara Jimenez Appointed to Serve as Permanent Director

Barbara Jimenez has accepted the appointment as the Executive Director of First 5 San Diego, effective September 14, 2009. Ms. Jimenez has held management positions with the County of San Diego for nearly 20 years and currently serves as Program Director for the Office of Violence Prevention and Community Action Partnership.

“First 5 San Diego has a critically important mission – particularly in these tough economic times – and we have appointed a proven leader to move the organization forward,” said Chairwoman Dianne Jacob, from the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors and First 5 Commission Chair. “Through her leadership at First 5, Ms. Jimenez will impact thousands of children by improving their access to health care, obesity prevention, quality preschool and early education programs.”

She will report to the First 5 Commission of San Diego County which is composed of five members including, by legislative mandate, a member from the County Board of Supervisors, the Director of the County’s Health and Human Services Agency, and the County Public Health Officer.

“Barbara Jimenez has broad expertise in managing people and programs and developing public-private partnerships,” said Nick Macchione, Director of the Countyxs Health and Human Services Agency and member of the First 5 Commission. “She has the right skills and experience – and we are excited to have her at the helm of First 5.”

Jimenez will be responsible for directing First 5 San Diego investments in a variety of services which support the health and well being of pregnant women and young children during their most critical years of development, from the prenatal stage through five years of age. First 5 San Diego programs and services are funded through San Diego County’s portion of the State’s Proposition 10 tax revenues.

“I am honored to join the dedicated staff of First 5 San Diego,” said Jimenez. “I look forward to pursuing the vision that children are healthy, loved, nurtured and enter school as active learners.”
