Anulled votes in Mexico, a sign of change?

<p>&nbsp;Preliminary number in the recent federal elections in Mexico, show close to two million people, — 5.39% of the total national vote—, decided to annul their vote. In México City, that number was even higher; 13.2% of the total vote.</p>
<p>&nbsp;This movement of annulment helped to contribute to the fact that only 38.5% of the Mexican population voted in this congressional elections.</p>
<p>&nbsp;The annulment vote has put forth a new political actor: inconformity, a player that became the forth force in the elections, resulting in higher votes that the Workers Party and Nueva Alianza; getting twice the votes of Convergencia and five times more votes than the Social Democratic Party.</p>
<p>&nbsp;The movement started about two months prior to the mid-term elections for congress. The idea was to annul the vote, – instead of simply not voting-, as a way to show politicians the profound discontent of the population and a rejection to the severely flawed party system.</p>
<p>&nbsp;This movement was not done in traditional media like radio or tv, -due to a reformed electoral law prohibiting this-, but it was a great success trough new media and social network such as facebook, twitter and some political blogs that promoted the idea of annulling votes as a way to reject current political climate.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“The rejection is important, because it is clear that the 2007 Electoral Reform is a mess. Both in private and public spheres, politicians from all parties agree the campaigns are over regulated and there is urgent need to revise many articles.</p>
<p>&nbsp;That’s why annulling or not voting on the July 5th elections should be the start of a citizen movement, aimed at ending the political party monopolies” wrote Reforma Columnist, Jaime Sánchez Susarrey.</p>
<p>&nbsp;This annulment vote is therefore not just a fight in the electoral polls, but a call to action and discussion amongst citizens and the IFE.</p>
<p>&nbsp;One of the strongest defenders of this is a site called Stop It X, using the Roman numeral and the common voting sign, to put forth a series of ten proposed changes in Mexican Politics.</p>
<p>&nbsp;The site demands for the reelection of senators cogress people and city mayors; the reduction of a 100 congressional seats; the disappearance of proportional representation; reforming article 41 that currently prohibits negative campaigning.</p>
<p>&nbsp;The site also proposed the defense of freedom of expression in the media (including the web); drastic reduction in the public financing of political campaigns; a stronger and autonomous IFE whose counselors should not be named by party leaders; the acceptance of independent candidates and the need of plebiscite(similar to impeachment).</p>
<p>&nbsp;For now, it seems common citizens have spoken, will the Mexican political class listen?</p>

Mariana Martinez