Online Help for Chula Vista Entrepreneurs now Available

<p> <a href="… loading="lazy" src="…; alt="" width="300" height="190" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-803" srcset="… 300w,… 496w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"></a></p>
<p>Potential entrepreneurs and business owners looking to open up shop or expand into Chula Vista now have a new online tool to help them explore business licences and where these are permitted in the city. </p>
<p>OpenCounter, the new system, which can be found on the City’s website, provides highly-specific information on business regulations which has been approved by City staffers and guides to setting up shop while meeting all permit and fee requisites. </p>
<p>The City hopes that this new tool can make opening up a business easier for potential entrepreneurs, as Chula Vista’s success relies on small business.</p>
<p>“Small businesses are the engines of our local economy,” sais Economic Development Director, Eric Crockett through a press release. “They create jobs, generate tax revenues and help build vibrant, engaged neighborhoods.”</p>
<p>“Until now, there have been very few tools intentionally designed to give entrepreneurs and small business owners looking to invest in a community a clear breakdown of the processes and complications that they might face,” he continued in his statement.</p>
<p>The City hopes that by offering this process online that potential entrepreneurs can get faster feedback to any questions thy might have and that the data will allow the CIty to gain a new level of insight in the businesses opening up in the community. </p>

Mario A. Cortez