An Open Letter to the Community of National City: Time has come to settle contract dispute

An Open Letter to the Community of National City: Time has come to settle contract dispute

   As National City community members with a history of community involvement and school volunteerism, we have serious concerns with the deteriorating relationship between the National School District’s School Board and its teachers. As of this afternoon, February 3rd, the teachers will strike against the National School District to get a fair contract.

   Since the School Board voted to start the school year without a contract with their teachers, the situation has only grown worse. The Board has let negotiations stalemate and is now preparing to hire temporary employees to cover classes during a strike by the teachers. Evidently, the Board is willing to let the students of National City be taught by unqualified teachers. The Board will grant “Emergency” credentials to people who cross the picket lines.

   Our biggest worry is that the students will stop learning and even regress while Instructional Aides and inexperienced replacements staff overcrowded classrooms which will amount to nothing more than babysitting. Statewide test scores and future funding may be jeopardized. All of this seems unnecessary. Some parents have expressed their fear for their students’ safety. We agree. This is a very real worry any parent would have. We think the School Board should show leadership and resolve the contract issues immediately.

   Our state’s economic downturn has affected all school districts. All teachers know that there is a need to modify workplace rules and sometimes their wages. But what is happening here is different. The School Board has demanded things not seen in any of the neighboring districts. These demands, these contract takeaways, have the look of a union-busting agenda. There has been a concerted attack on the teachers’ contract unlike in other districts in our area. We are concerned that this lack of fairness has become the culture in the District office.

   The teachers have tried to compromise on work days and on conditions. As in any business, a deal must be made so that there can be the opportunity for new success. In this case, the preparation of our students for middle and high school is the sign of success, and first and foremost this depends on students being in school as many days as possible with the teachers who know them. If the School Board has the money to keep the children in their classrooms, then they need to spend it on this priority. Non-economic issues can be taken off the table to allow the school year to go on uninterrupted. Other frivolous expenditures must be cut, but not school days. A short-term contract would also benefit everyone involved.

   We think that this School Board has relied on a staff of newly hired, inexperienced administrators and an outside lawyer who strongly dislikes fair contracts, and perhaps workers in general. These people get paid whether there is a peaceful and collegial workplace or not. They have put up a shield for the Board members who are avoiding the hard work of dealing with their teachers in a respectful and professional manner. It is not appropriate to grind an axe of anti-labor sentiment in our working class community. One thing to note is the fact that all of the School Board members have received the endorsement of the SD Democratic Party and labor in past elections. Rosie Alvarado, in particular, deserves special scrutiny because her husband works for US Congressman Bob Filner and their purport to be good Democrats in our community. Board member Liz Vasquez was recently elected with the Democrat’s and Labor’s endorsements and with financial help from Juan Vargas. All of the NC school board members are rejecting the Democratic Party’s values when they carry out contract negotiations as they have.

   It is time for the National School District School Board to be engaged with the negotiations and resolve these issues with a spirit of cooperation. It is not a case of winning or losing or looking better after an argument. The time for complacency by the Board is over. The organization and community should be spared anymore pain.

   Many people have a teacher they will never forget. The teachers of National City have been asked to do their jobs under difficult conditions and have always more than surpassed expectations, truly serving the community as all good educators do. Residents and parents should contact the School Board members and ask, “What are you doing to ensure our students will have their teachers in the classroom everyday?” The time has come to settle this contract dispute fairly for everyone involved.

Brian Clapper and Ted Godshalk

