Open Letter to Councilman Alvarez

Public Forum:

Dear Mr. Alvarez,

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI am reaching out to you, as both a San Ysidro resident and San Ysidro teacher’s spouse.  I am very concerned and utterly frustrated with our school district’s overall comportment.  As we all know by now, our teachers are striking because of the complete disregard by the district leadership, and some of its school board members, towards our teachers and students.  This district’s well proven criminal mishandling of our much needed funds have led us to the predicament we currently face.  Our teachers would much rather prefer to be doing what they do best, teaching our community’s children, than to be striking.   Just because we are a humble community next to the U.S./Mexican border doesn’t mean we don’t deserve quality and fair education for our children.  And, how else to obtain this, if it weren’t for the selfless commitment from our hard working teachers.  They are an integral part in the foundation of our community’s future, our kids.  But, in order for this to be successful, We Need All the Support we can get in establishing a dignified and just contract for our teachers.  These professional educators are now fighting for what’s right – Integrity, Fairness, Respect, True Appreciation, among so many other things that are Long Overdue.  This district’s leadership, and the board members who support their one sided outlook, prefer to pay substitute teachers to inadequately replace our teachers that are striking, rather than come to the bargaining table & genuinely work together with our teachers to find a solution to this fiasco.

Please help support San Ysidro teachers in our fight for justice and respect!  I hope you can see the attached photos here from our first day of strike yesterday at one of our school sites, Sunset Elementary.  We hope that you truly understand what we are standing up for, and help us make a historical difference for our children and our community.

Robert Lemos
San Ysidro

PS: I’ve also reached out to our 80th Assembly Dist. Rep, Lorena Gonzalez invoking her support.
