Southwestern College Trustee Humberto Peraza announced he won’t seek reelection next year. After years as a local political staffer and school board member, Peraza says he’s refocusing his time on his family and business. Smart man. Too many get hooked on the juice and lose all perspective. Surely it’s not the end of his community involvement.

San Marcos Mayor Jim Desmond, a moderate Republican, is rumored to be gauging a run against conservative GOPer Duncan Hunter; no not that Duncan Hunter, his son with the same name elected to replace the dad in 2008.  Hunter has been a vocal supporter of building a border fence like those in Israel. Maybe a competitive GOP on GOP race will bring a more rational approach to border issues and swing the election back to the middle.

The race for SD City Attorney includes two Latinos. Port Commissioner Rafael Castellanos and former Ethics Commission Chairman Gil Cabrera face two others in their quest to replace Jan Goldsmith. Loyalties are divided among community members. Watch for more coverage on this important race here in La Prensa
San Diego.

Our own Coronado made national TV this week when Late Late Show host James Corden ripped on residents speaking out against bike lanes in their city. One local woman called the white street lines “graffiti”. I guess she hasn’t driven anywhere around Shelltown or Paradise Hills. This is what Coronado residents complain about? It’s rough living on the island.
