img_0227Rocky MMXVI
The campaign trail for POTUS has gotten a little more crowded. Local
developer & businessman “Rocky” de la Fuente II has launched his presidential campaign as a conservative Democrat. Rocky wants to be the anti-Trump candidate and coalesce Latinos and other minorities into a voting block against more traditional candidates like Hillary and Jeb. A YouTube video stars him taking a swan dive into
a pool fully clothed in a designer suit and dress shoes. OK, that’s one way to make a splash in the race for the White House. Rocky hopes to fund his campaign with $10.00 contributions from 10 million donors.

Take The Money & Run
The Chula Vista Council recently voted to accept 2.4% pay raises for the mayor and council. The raises are automatically set by Prop A passed by voters in 2000. The council vote was merely to comply with the law; however, Councilman John McCann took the opportunity to vote NO, even though a NO vote won’t stop the raises. McCann claims the moral high road but still takes the money anyways. Maybe McCann thinks voters will mistake him for a fiscal conservative if he just pretends to be one. Reps should be embarrassed, Dems should be outraged, and Independents shouldn’t be surprised.

TrespassING DUDE
Imperial Beach Mayor Serge Dedina and friends jumped a fence last week to clean up an abandoned lot in IB and the media was all over it. Dedina is calling on residents to clean up empty lots to remove blight. A real hands-on mayor at work. With serious enviro credentials, this surfer dude Mayor is the real thing. 2 thumbs up!
