
Dems Pass on Padilla  South Bay Democrats voted not to endorse Steve Padilla for his upcoming run for Chula Vista City Council. The former mayor who lost his re-election in 2006 and lost his campaign for City Council in November by only 2 votes is running again next year.   But They Go For Ramirez  Those same Democrats did vote to endorse Rudy Ramirez, another termed out former Chula Vista Councilman seeking to return to his old Council. Under the city’s term limits, a member can return after sitting out at least one term. But that won’t be allowable anymoreif Mayor Mary Salas has her way. She recently proposed a change to the law to stop recycled pols from running again even though she herself did it. Padilla and Ramirez are running for different seats so they won’t face each other.   Also Running Against Padilla Steve Padilla will be facing off against Jason Paguio, a policy advisor to Chula Vista Councilman Steve Meisen.  Paguio ran for City Council last year at only 28 years old but came up short. Paguio is a former world champion band drum major and local businessman who also operates two non-profit organizations.   Don’t Leave Out the  Other Steve  And Chula Vista elections wouldn’t be complete without Steve Castaneda running for office. Again. The former termed out Councilman and 2-time mayoral campaign loser is seeking a return to his old Council too. The once-Republican turned Democrat was elected last November to the South Bay Irrigation District water board. Seems he doesn’t really want that new seat so it must be just a placeholder for now. National City on the Move  NC Deputy Mayor Jerry Cano was mingling with civic leaders from around the county at last week’s San Diego Magazine Latino Impact awards. The gala was held at the recently remodeled historic Police Headquarters plaza near Seaport Village. Mr. Cano was elected in 2012.
