Out Around Town – August 26, 2016

Pre-School For All?

San Diego Unified School District’s new pre-school program called “Pre-K for All” is a misnomer. The District has been offering free pre-school for low income families that meet income limits, but some seats have remained empty. Now, it is offering pre-school spots to families that can pay. For fees ranging from $530 for half day to $1,060 per month for full day classes, parents can enroll their kids in public pre-school. And for an additional fee, kids can stay
at school until 6 p.m. The District hopes to fill the classes currently not being filled and help pay for the teachers already in the classrooms.

Prizes Just for Showing Up

Another new program for San Diego Unified School District involves giving away prizes to students. Not for a particular job well done. Just for going to school. The new program offers students prizes like free ice cream, pizza, or discounts at local stores just for attending school. The District says its goal is to raise grades, but critics say it’s just to get more attendance cash. A 1% increase in attendance could bring in more than $6 million per year. SD schools have faced lower attendance each year for the past 5 years. The District is looking for local businesses interested in participating in the prize giveaways.

Schools to Dump Stocks

One more from SD School District. Last month their School Board’s resolution asked the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (STERS) to divest investments in fossil fuel companies. The move is the first among state public school districts. The vote also supports a state law that requires both California employee pension funds to sell off any coal stocks. Last year, CA pensions lost $5.1 billion on fossil fuel stocks and #840 million on coal stocks.

San Diego Housing Gap

A new report details just how expensive housing costs are in SD. The report says it takes an income of $109,000 to buy a median priced home at $590,000. San Francisco is worse, and LA trails San Diego on the list of least affordable areas in California to live. 
