Out Around Town – July 22, 2016

Help For Homeless Vets

The annual Stand Down for Homeless Veterans is on this weekend, Friday through Sunday. The event held at San Diego High School each year offers homeless vets a place to camp over the weekend to help connect them with wrap around services to get them off the streets. Over 150 organizations and 3,000 volunteers help put the event together. More than 1,000 homeless vets attended last year to seek assistance. Statistics show that 20% of San Diego’s homeless are Latinos.


Latino Artists @ ComicCon

Six Latino artists held a panel discussion at ComicCon this Thursday afternoon. More than 100 people attended the panel where local Latino artists displayed some of their Chicano art, including Mario Torero and his “Un Cholo” painting of Batman sporting
a mustache and soul patch. The artists will be holding their “Comic Con Huevos” party this Saturday at 9pm
at the offices of La Prensa San Diego.


Plastic Bag Ban in SD

The City Council voted to ban single use plastic bags within San Diego. The new law bans the use of plastic carryout grocery bags, but will still allow paper single-use bags while imposing a $.10 fee for each bag. The goal is to eliminate the use
of plastic bags that end up
in the landfill. It is estimated that San Diegans use over 500,000 plastic bags per year.


SD Pride Event Success

Last weekend’s Pride Parade drew over 100,000 people to Hillcrest and Balboa Park. More than 190 entrant groups took place in the parade. Several local leaders walked the route, including Sheriff Bill Gore, SD Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman, Mayor Kevin Faulconer, and Congressmen Juan Vargas and Scott Peters, to name a few. A contingent of local Latino community leaders also participated, including many that helped organize a memorial last week for the victims of the Orlando mass shooting. Somos una gente.

