Out Around Town – June 3, 2016

Trump Rally Turns Ugly

Tensions ran high last Friday after a Donald Trump campaign rally at the Convention Center let out. Protesters at the foot of 5th Ave had been there all day. SD Police were in full force, creating a safe zone for protests. Things changed after Trump’s rally ended. Trump supporters exited near 1st Ave but some made their way back to 5th Avenue. Arguments between the sides started and some water bottles and objects were thrown back and forth. SDPD came in and dispersed the crowd, forcing them to exit South on Harbor Drive toward Barrio Logan.  Community leaders are upset police in riot gear made arrests in Barrio Logan, claiming officers used excessive force. Armored vehicles added to the look of a military operation. SDPD maintains the show of force and quick action kept the situation from turning ugly like other cities have experienced.


ACLU Wants Records

The ACLU has now filed a Public Records Act request for information on how the rally response was planned and executed. The request asks for information about how the declaration of an unlawful assembly was made, which allowed police to arrest anyone still in the area. One person arrested was Bryan Pease, a candidate for City Attorney, who was pounced by police while walking away from a line of riot gear clad cops. A viral video shows Pease being tackled and arrested by several cops. 33 people were arrested. Of those, 28 were arrested for failing to disperse, even though they were not actively engaged in any violence or illegal acts. One was arrested for assault and battery, and 2 for resisting arrest, and 2 for outstanding warrants.
SDPD Defends Actions

San Diego Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman maintains her department followed its plan to prevent civil unrest at the rally. SDPD maintained a careful watch on developments and acted quickly to prevent any disruptive activities. Chief Zimmerman said SDPD will debrief and review their actions.

