The power of Latino business in California

<p>Latino consumers are a major force in California. Even more important, Latino-owned businesses are an intragal part of the California economy.</p>
<p>As proof, the California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (CAHCC) is a statewide professional organization that promotes the interests of more than 700,000 Hispanic businesses and more than 65 local Hispanic chambers in California.</p>
<p>The CAHCC will host its 33rd Annual State Convention on August 15-17 at the San Diego Marriott Mission Valley.</p>
<p>“The goal of the CAHCC’s Annual Convention is to elevate discussion and participation among Hispanic business owners, corporate business leaders, community leaders, and government officials to address issues of relevance to the Hispanic business community,” according to organizers.</p>
<p>The CAHCC State Convention is considered “the premier minority/ethnic business convention in California, offering participants the opportunity to learn the latest trends in business development, network with outstanding business professionals, and gain insights into growing and maintaining a successful business.”</p>
<p>One key aspect of the convention is networking, and learning from other business leaders techniques that one can apply to one’s own business.</p>
<p>Convention participants will be exposed to some of the most dynamic, enterprising, and informative speakers discussing current issues pertinent to economic growth and development of California business and communities.</p>
<p>This year’s speakers include Dolores Huerta, leader of the UFW; Gaddi Vasquez, former U.S. Ambassador and Former Director of Peace Corps; San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders; and the Hon. V. Manuel Perez – Chair CA Assembly Committee on Jobs, Economic Development &amp; the Economy.</p>
<figure id="attachment_18707" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-18707" style="width: 168px" class="wp-caption alignright"><img loading="lazy" class=" wp-image-18707 " title="Ernie" src="/sites/default/files/2012/08/Ernie-240x300.jpg" alt="" width="168" height="210" srcset="… 240w,… 250w" sizes="(max-width: 168px) 100vw, 168px"><figcaption id="caption-attachment-18707" class="wp-caption-text">Ernie Gutierrez, chairman of the CAHCC</figcaption></figure>
<p>Also present will be Ernie Gutierrez, who was recently elected as chairman of the CAHCC Foundation Board of Directors.</p>
<p>Gutierrez, who is founder of Allied Industries, Inc., a leading California construction and environmental firm, said he will work to streamline the Foundation’s mission, build strategic relationships, and create educational programs that benefit Hispanic owned businesses, and Latino students.</p>
<p>“This is a great time for the CAHCCF to flourish,” said Gutierrez. “The challenges that we are seeing in today’s economic climate can be solved through educating our Hispanic businesses and their families.”<br>
Julian Canete, president and CEO of the CAHCC, said that “We are excited about Ernie’s role with the organization. He has demonstrated his leadership abilities as the Chair of the CAHCC and we are thrilled that the CAHCCF will continue to move forward under his direction. Ernie also has numerous key contacts throughout the country, and we know that he will seek out those individuals and companies for the betterment of the CAHCCF.”</p>
<p>This year, the CAHCC convention will feature business procurement and matchmaking sessions designed to bring business owners together with corporate and state procurement officers. Unlike standard business procurement sessions, the match-making approach brings together businesses that can truly meet a need and increase their chances for contracting.</p>
<p>The CAHCC convention has featured the matchmaking session at previous conventions and has proven to be an extremely effective and successful tool for expanding business opportunities in the Hispanic and minority business community.</p>
<p>Among the activities for this year are discussion of the vital legislative and economic issues affecting our business community with key elected officials and policy makers, informative business development and chamber development sessions, and business workshops.</p>
<p>Most importantly, throughout the convention, participants have the opportunity to celebrate the educational, political, and economic success of the Hispanic community.</p>
<p>For more information on the convention or to register visit the CAHCC website at <a href="http://WWW.CAHCC.COM">WWW.CAHCC.COM</a&gt; or call 800-299-6033.</p>

Pablo Jaime Sainz