President Obama’s Last Visit to San Diego

La Prensa San Diego Staff obama+in+san+diego

This past Sunday, October 23, may have been the last time Barack Obama visits San Diego County as U.S. President.
After having last visited our city while on vacation in October of last year, the President arrived at MCAS Miramar at 7 p.m. on Sunday.
The President’s visit was to support Hillary Clinton’s campaign and to raise funds for the Democratic Party to help down ballot candidates, including San Diegan Todd Applegate running against Republican Congressman Darrell Issa.
By the time Air Force One landed, dozens of people had already gathered in a space at MCAS Miramar under Army and Secret Service guard. Cheers erupted as President Obama stepped off the plane and greeted them.
The President was welcomed by Army generals, four Marines, and a public official, as well as local residents. There, amidst the shouting and the people trying to get his attention, Obama greeted a WWII Veteran and his daughter, who both felt it was one of the best experiences in their life.
“I think Obama has been a great President, he has been with the people and I love that,” said Dorothy McCray, the veteran’s 76-year-old daughter.
Politics were also brought up by members of the Latino community who awaited President Obama’s arrival to Miramar, stating that they hoped his visit would help put an end to a situation they felt has brought nothing but discrimination and suffering to minorities.
“I am very excited. I felt very flattered, because he spoke to my 10-year-old daughter, and asked her her name,” said Laura Venegas, who was among those to greet the President.
During his visit to San Diego, the President attended a reception dinner at a home in La Jolla Sunday night to raise funds for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
On Monday morning, President Obama took a few minutes to play golf in Torrey Pines, and then attended a late-morning event to raise funds for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign at a home near UCSD.
The President returned to MCAS Miramar at 12:32 p.m., where he said goodbye to San Diego for perhaps his last time as President of the Unites States. After waving goodbye to a group of elementary school students covering the tour for a media project, he departed aboard Air Force One.
From San Diego, the President flew to Los Angeles, where he appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel Live late night television program, and took part in two more Democratic Party events, one of which was billed at $100,000 per plate.
According to his staff, President Obama will aid Hillary Clinton’s campaign – as well as the other down ticket Democratic candidates running in this election – through the November elections.
