Pro-Immigrant Rights Movement Begins Escalation Efforts and Hits the Streets in More than 130 Cities Across the Country

Advocate Groups, Faith, Labor Allies Determined to Break Through Partisan Gridlock with Immigration Reform

Immigration Reform with a Path to Citizenship is the Lone Issue with Bipartisan Majority Support in Congress

Washington, DC—This Saturday, October 5th, Latino, Asian, and immigrant communities will be joined by faith, labor, and civil rights organizations at more than 130 major mobilization efforts, rallies, vigils, pilgrimages, and direct actions to call on Congress to stop the partisan logjam and pass a budget that restores the values of our country and immigration reform now.

The National Day of Action for Dignity & Respect marks the beginning of the immigrant rights movement’s escalation fight for legalization that leads to citizenship for 11 million aspiring citizens and the immediate end to deportations. The mobilizations will send a clear message that America will not stand for the continued failures of Washington, or the shutdown of our government as political theatre, that only result in more families torn apart by deportations, worker exploitation by abusive employers, or allow our children’s dreams to be robbed from them.

Some of the events include farmworker actions in Central California, statewide caravans across Arizona, Illinois, downtown rallies in Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, and Los Angeles, along with the crossing of the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City to list just a few. The pro-reform movement has consistently and powerfully brought the message to key Congressional members that the time is now for immigration reform, with polls showing 73 percent support for the issue, and as the lone bipartisan issue in Congress and in America.

After the 130+ events across the country this weekend, immigration rights groups will continue to escalate their efforts with a rally and free concert on Tuesday, Oct. 8 on the National Mall in Washington, DC, beginning at 12:30pm. Tens of thousands of people are confirmed.

Check out the Public Service Announcements (PSAs) by five-time Grammy award winners Los Tigres del Norte, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (ENG/SPAN), and others, which are being played on national and local Spanish media TV and radio stations. Artists and designers from across the country are also participating in the October 5th National Day for Dignity & Respect.
