The Public Forum … El Foro Público…

Revealing Truth about Pamela Bensoussan

Reading in the U-T and reading tweets on twitter, it appears that Councilmember Pamela Bensoussan has a problem with what she calls a “hit piece,” a piece revealing the fact that she is the only Councilmember to take her $4,290 car allowance in her paycheck.

A little history is in order. In July 2007, Pamela announced to a group of 75 Crossroads members that she was not a politician, but she was going to run for City Council. Her announcement was enthusiastically applauded, and many of us as individuals began to work to see that she was elected.

She eked out a win over Russ Hall by 46 votes. Now she was an e-l-e-c-t-e-d official. We were elated! But then several things quickly ensued. At a reception that Crossroads hosted for her and re-elected Councilmember Steve Castaneda, it seemed to some of us that she had a chip on her shoulder.

Between her election and her being sworn in, Pat Aguilar held a meeting in her home inviting Councilmember Rudy Ramirez, Council-member Steve Castaneda, and Council-member-elect Pamela Bensoussan. The purpose was to discuss a future vision of Chula Vista. Pamela and Sandy Duncan arrived late and both were obviously wishing they were somewhere else.

A few months later the Crossroad Board invited Councilmember Bensoussan to a meeting to discuss the plans for the Chula Vista Bayfront. Pamela and Sandy Duncan arrived late. It was a contentious meeting at best. Pamela said she thought that she had been asked to come on false pretenses. We wanted her to hear our view about the Bayfront Plan, but she thought she had been invited to give her viewpoint about the Bayfront. The meeting further bogged down when she, along with Sandy, began to discuss the large campaign debt she had racked up. Sandy began to tell Pat Aguilar a campaign debt was why she should not run for Council. When Sandy was asked not to pursue that subject, she picked up her purse and stomped out of the meeting, slamming the door so hard it shook the house. Pamela remained a few more minutes, lamenting how much she needed money, before she departed.

It was clear to all of us that Pamela was no longer the person we had known and supported. From that point on, Pamela lashed out at Crossroads II and Earl Jentz at every opportunity. Now it appears that she blames Crossroads II and Mr. Jentz for the mailing piece that disclosed to people that Pamela was the only Councilmember who takes the “car allowance” in her paycheck. Neither Crossroads II, as an organization, nor Earl Jentz paid for that piece.

There are many people who gave the maximum amount to her campaign in 2008 who feel betrayed and wish they could get their money back. She is not only the “Queen of the Car Allowance,” she is a consummate politician and the “Queen of Special Interests.” She is not a representative of ordinary citizens.

We rue the day she was elected.

Susan Watry
Chula Vista

Prop 32 is dangerous for everyone

Voters deserve to know the truth about Prop 32, a sham effort by powerful billionaires and corporations to silence California’s working men and women. It’s a thinly veiled attack on public employee unions and the tens of thousands of Californians they represent. But it could have dangerous implications for everyone.

As a state scientist, I’m very concerned about the impacts of Prop 32 on the ability of the working class to fight the oil, chemical, timber and other polluting industries who would love to push their radical agenda.

Those special interests would like nothing more than to cut environmental, natural resource, and public health protections that Californians depend on.

Prop 32 is not what it seems. Please vote No on Prop 32 to protect California’s future.

Carlo Rodriguez
Chula Vista
