The Public Forum . . . El Foro Público

A rebuttal to the October 8th commentary by National School District Governing Board President Rosie Alvarado

   President Alvarado states that the budget woes are the cause of the imposition – the imposition of punitive working conditions in the areas of teacher association rights and transfer and reassignment rights have nothing to do with the budget, so why were these anti union items part of the imposition?

   President Alvarado states that the district is paying 90% of the budget towards employees – the board adopted budget of September 2010 shows that the total they are paying for all employee groups, including a lot of administrators, is 77.38% including all benefits.  Does President Alvarado know how to analyze a budget before she adopts one?

   President Alvarado states that the Association was not interested in talking about the issues – When the Association offered further negotiations dates to discuss the matter the district did not even bother to respond.  Was President Alvarado even aware that these dates were offered?

   President Alvarado states that the Governing Board had the right to impose – but don’t they also have the moral obligation to enter into meaningful discussion with their employees before doing so?

   President Alvarado states that the district increased the health benefits for all employees – this was a district proposal not an association proposal that cost the employees one furlough day of pay.  Did President Alvarado give the teachers the option of which they would prefer?

   President Alvarado states that there was no increase in class size this year – the previous classroom maximums for 4-6 grades was 32 to 1 not 33 to 1.  Is President Alvarado aware of what is actually happening in the classroom?

   President Alvarado states that it is clear that these working conditions are better than what has been negotiated in other nearby districts – no other surrounding districts have had rights taken away and Sweetwater, Chula Vista, San Ysidro, and San Diego took less furlough days. Is President Alvarado aware that National City Teachers are now the lowest paid teachers in the county thanks to her imposition?

   President Alvarado stated that the teachers consistently blocked the implementation of a school calendar that would align with Sweetwater – for the past two years the teachers have proposed a calendar that had all mid year breaks aligned with Sweetwater. The teachers did wish to continue an August start date because they know that a July start date is not best for younger children first entering Kindergarten many of whom do not reach age five until December.  Does President Alvarado honestly believe that she knows more about education than the teachers do?

   Lastly President Alvarado states that sometimes the Teachers’ Association advocates positions that are not in the best interest of the families of National City – National City Elementary Teachers Association is proud to represent and advocate for the highly qualified professionals who have been responsible for outstanding achievements in education for generations. These are the professionals who teach the students in the classrooms and work with the families of National City on a daily basis.  Our Families know we fight for them and their children and I know because I am a fifth grade teacher at Ira Harbison School. My name is Linda Cartwright and I am also the very proud President of National City Elementary Teachers Association.

Linda Cartwright
National City

Meg Whitman stands tall with Veterans

   As a veteran, I have strong ideas about how our next Governor must address the needs of veterans and military men and women, and I am looking to support a candidate who will help make our state an easier place for all of us to succeed.

   I liked very much what I hear from Meg Whitman. For Meg, restoring the California dream is making sure every Californian has the opportunity to pursue their passions and excel at what they do best. She understands that the state is failing many of its veterans, military members and their families.

   California is home to more than two million veterans — men and women who have placed their lives in jeopardy, left their families behind and put it all on the line to protect the freedoms we hold so dear. Today, like so many Californians across the state, our veterans and military families struggle to find good-paying jobs, quality, affordable health care and a top-notch education. And they’re tired of government spending their hard-earned tax dollars with getting so little in return.

   Meg has a special appreciation for our servicemen and women. Her father was a veteran of World War II, serving in the Air Force in Guam. Her mother volunteered for the Red Cross and was sent to New Guinea, where she repaired jeep and aircraft engines. Meg understands the sacrifices military members and their families make.

   I am endorsing Meg because I’m confident she’s the only candidate in this race who is making job creation her number one goal, and that is the key to reviving California. Meg understands that our servicemen and women need to have confidence that their family members can get a good-paying job while they serve our country and that there are opportunities when they retire.

   Perhaps most encouraging is Meg’s hunger to learn more about how she can help our military people. She walks the walk. From Meg’s meetings with veterans, military members and their families to her launching a statewide veterans coalition, Meg is making it clear she wants to include us in her plan to turn California around.

   Our state is sorely lacking visionary leadership and results-oriented governing. For 30 years in business, Meg has shown inspired leadership, stepped up to solve complex challenges and delivered results.

   That’s exactly the kind of leadership we need to make our state golden again. Please go to to learn more about her campaign and don’t forget to exercise the cherished right many of us have sacrificed much to protect: the right to vote.

Sandra Fichter
Major, US Army Veteran

Fiorina on the wrong side of the abortion issue.

   I understand that many Californians disagree on the subject of abortion. But Carly Fiorina has extreme views on this very sensitive issue. Carly Fiorina says that if given the opportunity she would vote to overturn Roe V. Wade. This would make criminals out of women and doctors. Carly is even endorsed by Sarah Palin who says she’s opposes abortion even in the case of rape and incest! Women should have the right to make their own personal decisions regarding pregnancy. Carly and Sarah’s politics are just too extreme for California.

Rafaela Frausto
Latino Advocacy Coordinator
Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest

Why I am  ENDORSING two NON-FILIPINO Americans for National City Council seats

   “Time to elect a Filipino American to the National City Council!”  —  is the rhetorical  battle cry  by the Fil-Ams And they did. In 1998, the citizens of National City elected a Filipino American to a City Council Seat   — a lawyer by the name of Fred Soto.

   One year later, Soto was accused of bilking many of his “kababayans” (paisanos) out of their hard-earned money for legal services never rendered, and was subsequently expelled from the State Bar with charges pending, tarnishing the image of Filipino Americans in San Diego. 

   So I ask. Should we let history repeat itself this coming Election?

   I find it ironic, that today a certain candidate, a Fil-Am, running for the same position – National City Council Seat – for the third time, with questionable character, is again running and seemingly supported by key Fil-Am leaders. The candidate has run twice but did not get elected, and asked for an appointment thrice and did not get appointed. This is this candidate’s 6th attempt for National City Council. 

   This candidate, for the record, I took to court while I was the President of The Filipino Chamber of Commerce in San Diego, in 2000, for the misappropriation of the organization’s funds while she served as the Treasurer.

   The case did not proceed for some technicalities, after the new Board had claimed in a resolution that said Treasurer has been “forgiven”.

   In another case, this candidate was also complained for the misappropriation of the funds of three other events. She made no attempt to show any accountability or transparency. Then, she also cheated during the FACC Elections  —  not just once, but twice – and in front of two lawyers, Atty. Majul and Atty. Pascual, who were present at the second election. She has been forewarned of her illegal act by the two lawyers. 

   Dishonesty seems to run in this person’s veins. When she ran for the City Council, several people and I spoke at a Council meeting to inform the public about her past misconducts.

   She did not win in the two subsequent elections. As well, she failed to get appointed for the position in spite of her hard efforts.

   As a candidate, good character is a constitution- must requirement. Her ill-repute might have worked against her while she vied for a government position, if in a smaller venue as the FACC she was condoned.

   To the Fil-Am candidate’s supporters who say “it’s time for a Filipino American” — this is NOT reason ENOUGH! This is NOT a VALID Reason. Remember the lesson of Fred Soto. 

   After studying the Platforms of those running for National City Council, I’m proud to say that I fully endorse MONA RIOS AND FRANK  LOPEZ, two NON – FILIPINOs, running for the National City seats.

Edna Concepcion
Chula Vista
