The Public Forum . . . El Foro Público

Locally a bigger issue than Arpaio

   I totally agree with your opinion regarding Arpaio’s visit to San Diego County and his outrageous statements about Hispanics.

   My big concern, however, is not Arpaio himself, but more importantly, the support that he and his buddies like Bilbray get from very powerful and influential media channels like KUSI and the FOX  network.

   Locally, KUSI is the most biased anti-Hispanic television station in San Diego. As far as I can tell there is not one single Latino or Latina that they have hired to appear in front of their cameras. They used the expression “dripping with sarcasm”  referring to the offer from the American Farm Workers  to hire anybody who was willing to do the same backbreaking work in  the fields that they do every day. This story aired in the aftermath of  the passage of the Arizona law. On the contrary, it is KUSI’s news stories that are “dripping” with discrimination and maybe even hatred towards people of Latino descent. I hope that there was a way to get the news to the Hispanic community that KUSI is not our friend. In the past they have not been very blatantly biased and may even have had some indirect connection with the Latino media. But now their true colors are really showing and we need to make our brothers and sisters aware.

Art Arriola
via email 

Hello National City Community Members and NCETA Colleagues:

   Test scores are up, and National School District would want you to believe that all is well in the district, right?  Well WRONG! National City Elementary Teachers Association participated in the fact finding procedures on July 14th. The Association had hoped that the District would work on a settlement at that time. Unfortunately, the districts’ team lead by their lawyer Richard Currier and Director of Personnel Cindy Frazee and Superintendent Chris Oram, were not interested in coming to any kind of compromise.

   It took the district three years to negotiate and settle the past contract, National School District Teachers waited patiently for the contract to be ratified.  Now, again the district continues to implement unfair practices when it comes to issues of the contract. How long does the district expect teachers to stay without a fair contract? Out of frustration, some teachers are already leaving the district and those that can afford it are retiring. How will the district continue to meet the needs of the community, with the loss of so many experienced teachers?  The past needs to be built upon, not broken down. National School District has failed to recognize the wealth of experience and knowledge in teachers who are not appreciated or recognized for their service.

   November’s election for School Board Members provides an opportunity for a change. Now is the time for the future of National City. Now is the time to involve local business and community groups as partners in the process of educating our children. Now is the time to look seriously at the candidates;  Mr. Ted Godshalk and Mr. Brian Clapper and ask for their proposals to better our schools instead of continuing with the current practices of doing business as the current board members engage.

   NCETA Members, I invite you to walk the neighborhoods of the community where you teach, I have heard many of you ask “why I should get involved?” “I don’t live in this community, nobody listens?” Having seen with my own eyes how the Board members conduct meetings and how the agenda’s oral communication item is constantly manipulated to fit their needs of ignoring community issues. Electing Mr. Ted Godshalk and Mr. Brian Clapper will bring change to the Board.

   NCETA Members, we have an opportunity to forge better partnerships with parents, teachers, and local business; Novembers’ elections will bring the change that we seek but only with your active participation, if not business in National School District will the same.  If you choose not to participate, then don’t complain when the district imposes their will on the next labor contract. 

   Together, we can bring change! Yes, we can; Sí se puede!

Francisco J. Sevilla
National City
