The Public Forum … El Foro Público…

Sweetwater Board of Trustees:

As a parent and community member I am calling on you today to immediately reverse your decision on Monday June 30, 2014 to approve a 10-20 year lease for new district office space at 860 Harold Place, Chula Vista. I do not believe that an interim board should be making these types of long-term decisions. In addition your public comments lead me to believe that you do not fully understand what you approved. Your comments indicated that your actions were temporary and did not obligate the new board to purchase this property; however, district staff then corrected you to explain that you are obligating the district to use this space as district facilities for at least 10 years.

It is clear that the community and public have concerns about this location. However, they have not been afforded an opportunity to voice those concerns and be heard. This action was taken in closed session without a public vetting or input. This does not demonstrate the respectful, collaborative, and transparent actions the community expects. This decision requires a full, public, and collaborative conversation. It should also be the decision of elected board members representative of our community. I am calling on you today to immediately reverse the previous action taken. Thank you,

Chris Shilling
Chula Vista

Migrant Kids, could have been me:

As I watch the news regarding the processing of groups of migrant kids from Central America I couldn’t help but notice my resemblance at that age. It dawned on me that could be me given the situation and circumstances that led to this historic human exodus (52,000). Truth be told, we’ve all been there before.. desperation, confusion, misinformed, preyed upon, and abused in one form or another. I asked myself would the response to this be different if these kids were white? Then I realized that we don’t have a say as to what color of skin we are born into or our economic status. As a Christian I feel “all eyes are on us.” Our government intervention and the handling of this matter will be monitored worldwide. Let our spiritual principles reflect this. Consequences are coming soon enough.

Let us remember kids are people too!

I believe life guarantees a chance, not a fair shake, such as is the case here.

Cesar Q. Lopez
Chula Vista
