The Public Forum … El Foro Público…

Government Shutdown adds hardship and cost to funeral

(Editor’s Note: See the frontpage story “Logan Heights veterans honor one of their own,” and on page 2 in Spanish, for the full story relating to this letter.)

It is seldom that makes my blood boil. Becoming aware or Army Capt. Jennifer Moreno’s memorial service at Chicano Park and as a member of the VFW at Logan Heights we became aware that due to the government shut down that was no money for her burial.

This you nurse who got an officer’s commission after graduating from the University fo San Drancisco was very much a role model for young struggling Latinas not only in Barrio Logan but throughout San Diego County.

Her mother was beyond herself, crying, shaking, not able to even talk especially after learning that because of the Government shutdown there was no money for her burial.

I don’t need Halloween to get “spooked” this is scary stuff, when you give your life to maintain or save other lives. Trust and Respect are in order.

What is the message being sent? To the Barrio, to her Familia, to the rest of us who are veterans and soon to be veteranos?

Thee was an anonymous donor who step forward at days end, but this should never have happened.

Cesar Lopez
Chula Vista
