The Public Forum/El Foro Publico

A Open Letter to Donald Trump from a Mexican American

Dear Mr. Trump,

As a former fan of your NBC show, and as a 41 year old Mexican man I would like to share a bit of who I am.

I’m a husband, a father, and a dreamer, living in San Diego Ca. I am born in Tijuana Mexico and I follow the opportunities this great country has allowed me. I may not be the best example of what some believe as “living the American Dream” but I try my best to make a difference in my community and try to inspire others to do the same.

My mother brought me here at the age of 2 and did the best she could to provide without taking a single job from an American citizen she created her own opportunities. My mother was not a drug dealer, certainly not a rapist, and definitely didn’t have the amount of problems that you currently have! So when you say “Mexico does not send their best”, I beg to differ. There are so many more Mexicans here just like my mother that we consider to be “THE BEST” and we invite you to our community to meet them.

I could introduce you to a few good Latinos that could have written some great speeches for you if given the opportunity, however, your shot at winning the Latino vote is over! So, instead of taking the word from a few “border guards”, how about you take a tour of Chicano Park, meet some families from Sherman Heights, come down and visit San Ysidro, walk thru some Chula Vista and National City streets and meet some of the good people that might have voted for you! Don’t just assume that there may be some good ones, come see for yourself, then Thank Mexico for sending their best!

Ruben Torres

Goyo Flores remembered

Thank you for the nice tribute to our friend and colleague Goyo Flores that ran in your June 12 issue. As your article clearly demonstrated, Goyo was a Renaissance Chicano of multiple talents. He was a terrific actor and stage director who was fluid in comedy, drama and political theatre. For many years he anchored the Teatro Mascara Magica of “La Pastorela” as an actor and dramaturge, and did a fine job one year as its director. He was a champion for young theatre artists, and generous sharing his time and wisdom.

Goyo was one of those rare people who made you smile and feel good when you saw him coming your way. He was always curious about what others were doing and how they were getting along, and was genuinely happy to share good news about others. He was also wickedly funny and always had a new joke or a funny story to share.

Goyo was a brave soldier, a proud Chicano, a talented thespian and a marvelous teacher/mentor. I am very honored to have known such a fine man.

Vaya con dios, amigo!

Max Branscomb

Granada Mobile Estates legal action supported

I am the keeper of the monies in the legal fund of the residents of Granada Mobile Estates and I speak for those residents who donated money to said fund, some of which was expended to pay the court filing fees for this lawsuit.

We wish to greatly thank you for publishing the article re Clark vs. Granada. We are pleased that legal action is being taken in this matter. and we are very grateful to you for spreading the word.

This situation is not an isolated incident. Many residents of this park (many of whom are quite elderly and have very limited income) have received notices from the park owner’s attorney threatening them with eviction if they do not do something the manager wants done. There is never any personal request by the manager that something be done, there is only “do it or be evicted”.

Your article has informed the people in San Diego county and in this park that something is being done to stop the abuse of this 83-year-old woman. Believe me, they are glad and pleased that you are informing the people about this.

R. H. McClure
Chula Vista

In response to the article of June 19 by Susan Luzzaro “Mobile Home Park Threatens Sick Woman with Eviction,” I have lived at Granada Mobil Estates for 10 years and Ms Luzzaro’s article is exactly correct.

The manager here, Dolly Newstrom, enjoys intimidating and using scare tactics on the residents and she threatens evictions with “7 Day Notices” from her attorney.

I have received six “7 Day Notices” over the most minor incidents, twice for verbal confrontations with her.

I fully support this legal action.

Darlene Kuntz
Chula Vista

Who invented Racism? (We all know why!)

As a retired!emtal Health Counselor that primarily worked on a “Crisis InterventionTeam” for the first three years out of SDSU, it’s a sad situation that I perceive with the South Carolina flag – waving after the disaster of the church oriented Christians, who happen to be black a case of “De Javu” (Jim Crow, KKK ring a bell?)

As a Chicano, we have similar issues (Mirgra abuse sound familiar?)

The land of milk and honey? Isis on one side, white supremists groups on the other with the conferderate flag fueling seperation – division (I don’t believe it was an individual act)

Cesar Q. Lopez
Chula Vista
