A real Dutch treat “Steeljes Stamppot” or turnip greens

Cooking with the Dutchess:
By Hanneke Eerden

   Today I have a real Dutch recipe for you, it’s called “steeltjes stamppot”. No you better not try to pronounce that, I forgive you! Turnip greens aren’t the “easiest” vegetables to like, a lot of people have a problem with them because they can taste bitter. My experience is always to pick the bundles with the smallest leaves: the bigger the leaves the more chance you have they will turn bitter once heated.

   Recently I found out that turnip greens are popular in the south of the US, and I do hope it’s available in your area too and you’ll be able to try this dish! Turnip greens almost have no roots, and the little bit that is still attached when you buy it, don’t eat those. You only eat the green leaves and the white parts. The tough stems you must avoid, they’re not tasty. I felt the need to mention this because I’ve heard stories… a friend of mine wanted to try this dish but that was the first time she made it herself and didn’t know how to use it. She found a recipe but unfortunately for her it wasn’t that accurate in describing what to cut and use. She used the whole plant and ended up with a not so tasty dish (actually it was horrible!) she said to herself she would never ever eat it again! We had a lot of fun about this, and now that she knows how to use it, she likes it, now that she knows how to cook it!

   And then there’s the story of my Mom, she doesn’t eat it but for a different reason. When she was young, she had to go to a school where they taught young girls how to become a good housewife. Yeah, that was a loooong time ago, and we don’t have those schools anymore now! But back then, it was normal. Anyway, she also had to cook turnip greens even though she didn’t liked this vegetable, but then… the girls had to eat what they cooked. And not once, no, several times until the dish was perfectly made! No wonder she can’t eat some things anymore. Now she can laugh about it, but back then…

   These stories don’t really make you hungry for my new recipe, I do realize that! But wait… my recipe is really tasty, it’s got cheese and bacon and fried eggs! Now how can that be bad???

What do you need:
1 lb turnip greens (that’s usually two bundles)
1 cup bacon (cut into cubes)
1 cup grated cheese

   You also need mashed potatoes for this meal, for that you can use your favorite recipe or follow mine: you need 2 large potatoes per person, 4 tablespoons of butter, ¼ cup heavy cream, ground nutmeg and Seasoned Salt).

   While the potatoes are simmering for 30 minutes on the stove, cut (finely) and wash the turnip greens. Cook the bacon cubes until they’re crispy, don’t throw away the grease!

   As soon as the potatoes are done, drain them and mash them (I use a potato ricer for that) together with the butter, heavy cream, salt and nutmeg. Add the turnip greens and the bacon (plus grease) to the mashed potatoes. Stir until combined.

   Put the pan back on the stove (low heat!) for a few minutes (don’t forget to stir), while you fry the eggs.

   Laddle the turnip greens on a plate, top with eggs (one or two), drizzle with grated cheese and put it under the broiler for a few minutes (until the cheese has melted).

   Dinner is ready!!!  And if it isn’t for the huge amount of vitamins and minerals, then just cook this meal because it’s so delicious!

   As Always ~ Bon Appetit!