Recovery, One Day At A Time

<p>Many of us addicts took and abused drugs, alcohol, or some other kind of vice, such as gambling, overeating or sex to be happy. We didn’t like what was on the outside in front of us which reminds me of a story in a 12-step fellowship meeting.<br>
In the beginning of time various demons united to bring havoc and misery to mankind. One proposed “we have to steal something from them, but what?” After contemplating for a long time one suggested “I know what, we’ll steal their happiness. But where can we hide it so they will never find it?” They all agreed and another said we can hide it on the very top of the highest mountain peak. One replied “no remember they have strength and might be able to climb and able to find it and let everyone know.</p>
<p>One said “we’ll put it at the bottom of the deepest ocean” but then remembered man made machine could go there and scoop it up. Yet another said “how about a far away planet they will never find it.” They all responded, “They are intelligent and able to build a space craft and take a trip to find it.”</p>
<p>The last demon had not spoken; hearing all of the suggestions and analyzing each one said “I think I know where they really won’t be able to find it!” Where? All the demons replied surprised, “inside of them, they will be busy looking on the outside, and they’ll never find it.”</p>
<p>Recover is an inside job.</p>

Cesar Lopez